% Clamp - Seamless integration of Python and Java % Jim Baker, Rackspace % [email protected]
Clamp is part of the jythontools project (https://github.com/jythontools), which is to improve Python <=> Java integration. The idea of Clamp is very simple:
Enable precise layout of the generated Java bytecode for Python classes such that they can be used as modern Java classes (including annotation metadata), along with jar packaging
One other potential interesting aspect of Clamp is that it heavily uses support for metaprogramming in Python and Java. I think this aspect might be extremely interesting to advanced Python/Java developers:
- JVM frameworks can readily work with clamped code, oblivious of its source
- Developers can stay as much in Python as possible
- Working on SQLAlchemy-like DSL to support use Java annotations as if they are decorators and specify other aspects in a Pythonic way
- "Real-time" complex event processing system
- Runs topology of storms, bolts to process events ("tuples")
- Can support at-least-once, exactly-once semantics
- No-arg constructors
- Specify
- Single jar support
- Needs to be able to resolve class names to classes (
from java.io import Serializable
from java.util.concurrent import Callable
class BarClamp(Callable, Serializable):
def call(self):
return 42
Can use as a Java callback
Can use JSR-223 or embed Jython runtime into Java
But cannot directly use as-is from Java
Specifically no way to construct a new instance of the class
Jython book FIXME goes into lots of details here, such as object factories, etc
Good if you are already using JSR-223 etc, want to support scripting, etc
Bad if you just want to use Python code in your framework as one component, instead of having to write the component in Java
Note that solutions like Scala, Clojure, face similar issues: they need to describe how they should be exposed with a Java API
solves this problem
Simpy add the Clamp base, a metaclass:
from java.io import Serializable
from java.util.concurrent import Callable
from clamp import clamp_base
BarBase = clamp_base("bar") # Java package prefix
class BarClamp(BarBase, Callable, Serializable):
def call(self):
return 42
Key insight: ahead-of-time builds through setuptools:
import ez_setup
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
name = "clamped",
version = "0.1",
packages = find_packages(),
install_requires = ["clamp>=0.3"],
clamp = ["clamped"],
Simply import clamped Python classes into Java code!
import bar.clamped.BarClamp;
public class UseClamped {
public static void main(String[] args) {
BarClamp barclamp = new BarClamp();
try {
System.out.println("BarClamp: " +
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.err.println("Exception: " + ex);
\begin{sequencediagram} \newthread{J}{Java} \newinst[1]{R}{Jython runtime} \newinst[1]{P}{Python} \begin{call}{J}{x = new BarClamp()}{R}{return} \begin{call}{R}{Py.initProxy()}{P}{return} \begin{callself}{P}{import site}{} \end{callself} \begin{callself}{P}{import clamped}{} \end{callself} \end{call} \end{call} \end{sequencediagram}
- When does the Jython runtime get loaded? (bootstrap problem!)
, which in turn loads the runtime as necessary!ThreadState
\begin{sequencediagram} \newthread{J}{Java} \newinst[1]{R}{Jython runtime} \newinst[1]{P}{Python} \begin{call}{J}{x.call()}{R}{return} \begin{call}{R}{ProxyMaker.findPython(this, "call")}{P}{return} \begin{callself}{P}{BarClamp.call}{} \end{callself} \end{call} \end{call} \end{sequencediagram}
also maintains state through the call stack, from Java to Python and back, as necessary -
Other critical call:
, so that proxies can get the corresponding Python code!
- Declarative DSL
- Construct a mapper metaclass (similar to and inspired by SQLAlchemy)
Python's metaclass support to support DSLs; in particular the use of metaclass factories to make metaclasses even more flexible for solving various types of mapping/integration problems.
- Original clamp work was writing this in Java
- Getting too complex
- Let's use Python instead!
- Even if in places we are generating some Java bytecode!
Integrations can associate more info with metaclass base:
def clamp_base(package, proxy_maker=ClampProxyMaker):
def _clamp_closure(package, proxy_maker):
class ClampProxyMakerMeta(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, d):
d = dict(d)
d['__proxymaker__'] = proxy_maker(
return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, d)
return ClampProxyMakerMeta
class ClampBase(object):
__metaclass__ = _clamp_closure(
package=package, proxy_maker=proxy_maker)
return ClampBase
- Heart of clamp!
- Need to precisely generate in Java bytecode a Java class that implements interfaces and/or extends a class
- With a given name, because Java can be finicky about that (
, any static linkage) - Constructors (no-arg at least)
- Static fields such as
to supportSerializable
- Use the same bytecode!
Specific to Jython, the new __proxymaker__
protocol allows for a CustomMaker
to intercept the construction of a Java proxy.
CustomMaker API, hooking, sequence diagram
Every class has a specially-named hidden method, <clinit>
, to
support initialization for the class itself:
public static final long serialVersionUID;
static {
serialVersionUID = 42L;
automatically emitted by the Java compiler- Clamp needs to do the same
Assuming self.constants is initialized like so:
{ "serialVersionUID":
(java.lang.Long(42), java.lang.Long.TYPE), ... }
- Q: What is the correct value of
? - A: 1L - this constant is to support dynamic evolution, but dynamic typing does that for us anyway!
Standard visitor approach:
def doConstants(self):
code = self.classfile.addMethod("<clinit>",
ProxyCodeHelpers.makeSig("V"), Modifier.STATIC)
for constant, (value, constant_type) in sorted(
Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.STATIC |
constant, CodegenUtils.ci(constant_type))
Example: can specify exact Exception
that is thrown by call
Locating jars
- Works because of this importer in
- Maps to
- Uses Jython's support e of custom
objects FIXME
, to enable putting jars in Python packages, then be importable
FIXME tree output
can be extended easily:
entry_points = {
"distutils.commands": [
"build_jar = clamp.build:build_jar",
"singlejar = clamp.build:singlejar",
], ...
Note: these commands are now available for any package that depends on clamp!
Enabling support for jython setup.py build_jar
, or any other
custom command, requires the following attributes:
class build_jar(setuptools.Command):
description = "create jar for clamped classes",
user_options = [("output=", "o", "write jar"),]
def initialize_options(self): ...
def finalize_options(self): ...
def run(self): ...
uses the same entry_points
to point to custom scripts:
entry_points = {
"distutils.commands": [
"build_jar = clamp.build:build_jar",
"singlejar = clamp.build:singlejar",
"console_scripts": [
"singlejar = clamp.build:singlejar_command",
Script is just a standard main function, using arg parser of choice:
def singlejar_command():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(...)
parser.add_argument("--classpath", ...)
parser.add_argument("--runpy", ...)
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.classpath:
args.classpath = args.classpath.split(":")
args.classpath = []
args.output, args.classpath, args.runpy)
Intercept the import of Java annotations so they can be used as class and function decorators.
with ASM to support annotations/type signatures as class decorators.
- Clamp project: https://github.com/jythontools/clamp
- Example project: https://github.com/jimbaker/clamped
- Documentation: http://clamp.readthedocs.org