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Distribution package for Dash Masternode installation

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For Linux installations you may optionally wish to follow the post-installation steps to manage Docker as a non-root user, otherwise you will have to run CLI and Docker commands with sudo.

Distribution package

Use NPM to install dashmate globally in your system:

$ npm install -g dashmate


$ dashmate stop
$ npm update -g dashmate
$ dashmate update
$ dashmate start

If the platform layer has been wiped, you must additionally reset platform data:

$ dashmate stop
$ npm update -g dashmate
$ dashmate reset --platform-only --hard
$ dashmate update
$ dashmate setup -k <bls-key>
$ dashmate start


The package contains a CLI, Docker Compose and configuration files.


The CLI can be used to perform routine tasks. Invoke the CLI with dashmate if linked during installation, or with node bin/dashmate if not linked. To list available commands, either run dashmate with no parameters or execute dashmate help. To list the help on any command just execute the command, followed by the --help option.

Setup node

The setup command is used to quickly configure common node configurations. Arguments may be provided as options, otherwise they will be queried interactively with sensible values suggested.

  $ dashmate setup [PRESET] [NODE-TYPE]

  PRESET     (testnet|local) Node configuration preset
  NODE-TYPE  (masternode|fullnode) Node type

  -d, --[no-]debug-logs                                    enable debug logs
  -i, --external-ip=external-ip                            external ip
  -k, --operator-bls-private-key=operator-bls-private-key  operator bls private key
  -m, --miner-interval=miner-interval                      interval between blocks
  -p, --funding-private-key=funding-private-key            private key with more than 1000 dash for funding collateral
  -v, --verbose                                            use verbose mode for output
  --node-count=node-count                                  number of nodes to setup

Supported presets:

  • testnet - a masternode or full node for testnet
  • local - a node group to run a local dash network with the specified number of masternodes. To operate a group of nodes, use the group commands

To setup a testnet masternode:

$ dashmate setup testnet masternode

Masternode registration

If a funding private key is provided with the --funding-private-key option, the tool will automatically register your node on the network as a masternode. This functionality is only available when using the testnet preset.

Configure node

The config command is used to manage your node configuration before starting the node. Several system configurations are provided as a starting point:

  • base - basic config for use as template
  • local - template for local node configs
  • testnet - testnet node configuration

You can modify and use the system configs directly, or create your own. You can base your own configs on one of the system configs using the dashmate config create CONFIG [FROM] command. You must set a default config with dashmate config default CONFIG or specify a config with the --config=<config> option when running commands. The base config is initially set as default.

  $ dashmate config

  -v, --verbose    use verbose mode for output
  --config=config  configuration name to use

  Display configuration options for default config

  config:create   Create config
  config:default  Manage default config
  config:envs     Export config to envs
  config:get      Get config option
  config:list     List available configs
  config:remove   Remove config
  config:set      Set config option

Start node

The start command is used to start a node with the default or specified config.

  $ dashmate start

  -v, --verbose             use verbose mode for output
  -w, --wait-for-readiness  wait for nodes to be ready
  --config=config           configuration name to use

To start a masternode:

$ dashmate start

Stop node

The stop command is used to stop a running node.

  $ dashmate stop

  -f, --force      force stop nodes (skips running check)
  -v, --verbose    use verbose mode for output
  --config=config  configuration name to use

To stop a node:

$ dashmate stop

Restart node

The restart command is used to restart a node with the default or specified config.

  $ dashmate restart

  -v, --verbose    use verbose mode for output
  --config=config  configuration name to use

Show node status

The status command outputs status information relating to either the host, masternode or services.

  $ dashmate status

  -v, --verbose    use verbose mode for output
  --config=config  configuration name to use

  status:core        Show core status details
  status:host        Show host status details
  status:masternode  Show masternode status details
  status:platform    Show platform status details
  status:services    Show service status details

To show the host status:

$ dashmate status host

Reset node data

The reset command removes all data corresponding to the specified config and allows you to start a node from scratch.

  $ dashmate reset [--config <value>] [-v] [-h] [-f] [-p]

  -f, --force          skip running services check
  -h, --hard           reset config as well as data
  -p, --platform-only  reset platform data only
  -v, --verbose        use verbose mode for output
  --config=<value>     configuration name to use

  Reset node data

With the hard reset mode enabled, the corresponding config will be reset as well. To proceed, running the node setup is required.

To reset a node:

$ dashmate reset

Full node

It is also possible to start a full node instead of a masternode. Modify the config setting as follows:

dashmate config set core.masternode.enable false

Node groups

CLI allows to setup and operate multiple nodes. Only the local preset is supported at the moment.

Default group

The setup command set corresponding group as default. To output the current default group or set another one as default use group:default command.

  $ dashmate group default [GROUP]

  GROUP  group name

  -v, --verbose  use verbose mode for output

List group configs

The group:list command outputs a list of group configs.

  $ dashmate group list

  -v, --verbose  use verbose mode for output
  --group=group  group name to use

Start group nodes

The group:start command is used to start a group of nodes belonging to the default group or a specified group.

  $ dashmate group start

  -v, --verbose             use verbose mode for output
  -w, --wait-for-readiness  wait for nodes to be ready
  --group=group             group name to use

Stop group nodes

The group:stop command is used to stop group nodes belonging to the default group or a specified group.

  $ dashmate group stop

  -f, --force    force stop nodes (skips running check)
  -v, --verbose  use verbose mode for output
  --group=group  group name to use

Restart group nodes

The group:restart command is used to restart group nodes belonging to the default group or a specified group.

  $ dashmate group restart

  -v, --verbose  use verbose mode for output
  --group=group  group name to use

Show group status

The group:status command outputs group status information.

  $ dashmate group status

  -v, --verbose  use verbose mode for output
  --group=group  group name to use

Reset group nodes

The group:reset command removes all data corresponding to the specified group and allows you to start group nodes from scratch.

  $ dashmate group reset [--group <value>] [-v] [--hard] [-f] [-p]

  -f, --force          reset even running node
  -p, --platform-only  reset platform data only
  -v, --verbose        use verbose mode for output
  --group=<value>      group name to use
  --hard               reset config as well as data

  Reset group nodes

With the hard reset mode enabled, corresponding configs will be reset as well. To proceed, running the node setup is required.

Create config group

To group nodes together, set a group name to group option in corresponding configs.

Create a group of two testnet nodes:

# create a new config using `testnet` config as template
dashmate config create testnet_2 testnet

# combine configs into the group
dashmate config set --config=testnet group testnet
dashmate config set --config=testnet_2 group testnet

# set the group as default
dashmate group default testnet

To start the group of nodes, ports and other required options need to be updated.


To start a local dash network, the setup command with the local preset can be used to generate configs, mine some dash, register masternodes and populate the nodes with the data required for local development.

To allow developers quickly test changes to DAPI and Drive, a local path for this repository may be specified via the platform.sourcePath config options. A Docker image will be built from the provided path and then used by Dashmate.

Docker Compose

If you want to use Docker Compose directly, you will need to pass a configuration as a dotenv file. You can output a config to a dotenv file for Docker Compose as follows:

$ dashmate config envs --config=testnet --output-file .env.testnet

Then specify the created dotenv file as an option for the docker compose command:

$ docker compose --env-file=.env.testnet up -d


Feel free to dive in! Open an issue or submit PRs.


MIT © Dash Core Group, Inc.