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File metadata and controls

27 lines (24 loc) · 5.55 KB


In the below tables:

  • 'sname' (sample name) is a guuid in the production system using this server, but it is does not have to be such.
  • 'threshold' is an integer, e.g. 12, in SNP.
  • 'cutoff' is a floating point number betwen 0 and 1, which reflects a quality metric on the samples (the proportion of Ns)
  • 'dna' is a sequence of bases A,C,G,T,N, or -.
  • N/A refers to 'not available' in v1. Version numbering refers to the API version, not to the findNeighbour version.
v2 route v1 route (fully functional, all use GET) XMLRPC Endpoint Function Example responses Note cf. EW1
/v2/server_config [GET] N/A server_config returns the server config file {"DESCRIPTION":"A test server operating in on localhost for tb testing","PORT":8184, "IP":"", ...., "LOGLEVEL":"INFO" } Allows identification of what server is on what port; however, may contain highly sensitive internal information, including database passwords; disable outside a trusted setting New in findNeighbour2
/v2/server_time [GET] N/A server time returns the server's internal time {"server_time": "2017-04-27T11:51:35.771625"} Mainly useful to test server availability New in findNeighbour2
/v2/server_memory_usage [GET] N/A server_memory_usage returns memory usage by the server process {"memory_units": "bytes", "maximum_resident_set_size": 34840052, "note": "Values are as returned by the python3 resource module for the server process only. Please see for more information"} Memory used by other processes e.g. databases is not included. The statistic returned is the 'maximum ever' memory usage by the server. Current memory usage may be smaller. New in findNeighbour2
/v2/insert [POST] N/A insert inserts a sample called sname containing a mapped DNA sequence dna ['OK'] Parameters are in italics. Please see docs for example client code to use the xmlrpc server. Identical XMLRPC method in both versions; RESTful endpoint exposed in findNeighbour2
/v2/nucleotides_excluded [GET] N/A server_nucleotides_excluded returns the nucleotides which are being masked by the server when it performs sequence comparisons [8000,8001,...] Useful for ensuring server and client use the same masking Not relevant in EW1, which requires pre-masked sequences
/v2/sname/exists [GET] /sample/walks/processed exist_sample check whether the sample identified by sname sname exists in the server. {'True'} or {'False'} Only snames are accepted as identifiers Identical query and response from both versions
/v2/sname/neighbours_within/threshold [GET] /sample/neighbours/ /sample/findneighbour/snp/ /sample/walks/snp [GET] query_get_value_snp_filter identify sname's neighbours closer than threshold iff the neighbours have a quality score more than quality_cutoff. If quality_cutoff is not supplied, 0.85 is used. Two formats are possible, 1 and 2. 1 is the default, and is compatible with Elephantwalk1. Format 1: ["OK", [["fc3b2c0b-1886-4ff9-8d67-6d6f7674a910"], ["b1a2bfa3-3609-46ad-be8b-3dc059722128"]]] or ['Bad', 'bad sequence']; Format 2: ["OK", [["fc3b2c0b-1886-4ff9-8d67-6d6f7674a910", 2, 28701, 29410, 34433], ["b1a2bfa3-3609-46ad-be8b-3dc059722128", 2, 33687, 29410, 39088]]] or ['Bad','bad sequence'] - Use format=1 (or omit a format parameter) for compatibility with EW1. EW2 returns, if format = 2, additional information related to Ns in sequences.
/v2/guids [GET] /sample/guids get_all_guids list of snames in the server [ {"guid": "7b2a6689-add4-4795-8955-7a56d48710e6"}, .... , {"guid": "987ee0ba-c65a-4747-9419-42c0dfc3909d"}, {"guid": "dd14c0fd-12bb-472c-9917-c66cd28631e7"}, {"guid": "8667eca5-ba7f-4aa2-8df0-4e1f36689b49"}]] - Identical in both versions
/v2/guids_with_quality_over/cutoff [GET] /sample/guids_cutoff get_all_filtered_guids list of guids in the server with quality score (proportion of Ns) more than cutoff ["3564e811-380e-43be-9455-54ad5081ba0b", "4681f9ae-aa1f-4dc0-97cb-3bfaed5de812", ... , "c759c44d-9072-436c-8de5-59ab70f0d82b", "4ae516cc-eeef-40ea-806c-4f35a3860e4d"] - Identical in both versions
/v2/guids_and_examination_times [GET] /sample/guids_and_time get_all_guids_examination_time list of all snames on the server and their examination times {"sname": "987ee0ba-c65a-4747-9419-42c0dfc3909d", "examinationTime": "2017-04-12T02:20:06.296760"}, {"sname": "dd14c0fd-12bb-472c-9917-c66cd28631e7", "examinationTime": "2017-04-12T02:20:09.573247"}, {"sname": "8667eca5-ba7f-4aa2-8df0-4e1f36689b49", "examinationTime": "2017-04-12T02:20:12.275453"}] - Identical in both versions
/v2/annotations [GET] sample/annotation get_all_annotations all meta data on all samples json object containing a list of sname: metadata dictionaries Returned object is large, and query is relatively slow. Identical between both versions
/v2/sname1/sname2/detailed_comparison [GET] N/A query_get_detail returns positions of variation between sname1 and sname2 json object containing positions of variation in both samples Query is fast ( ~ 50msec per comparison), and includes information on all variation between the two sequences New in FindNeighbour2.
/v2/neighbours_within/threshold [GET] N/A get_all_values returns pairs of samples whose snp difference is less than or equal to threshold json object containing pairs of samples, and the distance between them Identical between both versions