Do the following, then whenever there's a pull request against branch staging
, Cloud Build will create a Cloud Run revision specific to that PR. NOTE: all preview deployments share a single Cloud SQL database.
- Make a GitHub personal access token
- Visit your Personal Access Tokens page, create a token with repo scope, and copy it.
export GITHUB_TOKEN=<paste_your_token_here>
- Enable Secret Manager and grant Cloud Build access
gcloud services enable
gcloud secrets create github_token --replication-policy automatic
echo -n "${GITHUB_TOKEN}" | gcloud secrets versions add github_token --data-file=-
gcloud secrets add-iam-policy-binding github_token --member serviceAccount:${GCB_SERVICE_ACCT} --role roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor
gcloud sql databases create instapuller-preview --instance=instapuller --charset=utf8mb4
gcloud run deploy instapuller-preview$PROJECT/instapuller --region=us-central1 --platform=managed --allow-unauthenticated --set-env-vars=DB_USER=root,DB_PASS=${PASSWORD},DB_NAME=instapuller-preview,CLOUD_SQL_CONNECTION_NAME=$PROJECT:us-central1:instapuller --set-cloudsql-instances=$PROJECT:us-central1:instapuller
gcloud beta builds triggers create github \
--repo-name=instapuller \
--repo-owner=${GITHUB_USER} \
--pull-request-pattern="^staging$" \
--build-config="preview.cloudbuild.yaml" \
--description="For each PR against staging, deploy a preview environment" \