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- Andrey Fedorov (BWH/HMS)
- Christian Herz (BWH/HMS)
- JC (Kitware)
- Curt Lisle (KnowledgeVis, LLC)
- Joost van Griethuysen (NKI)
- Csaba Pinter (Queen's)
- Christian Bauer (U.Iowa)
- Discuss with the interested attendees capabilities of the DICOM standard and available support in tools for standardized communication of data produced by image analysis.
- Triage open issues for dcmqi, prioritize and fix at least some, revisit documentation and related open issues.
- Work on converting an existing radiomics dataset into DICOM representation.
Issues to fix:
- Fixed several dcmqi issues identified by the users during the project week
- Finished scripts for converting segmentations and corresponding radiomics features (extracted by pyradiomics) to DICOM for TCIA LIDC IDRI dataset (result of conversion for LIDC-IDRI-0011); issues identified:
- need to integrate pyradiomics features with IBSI-based ontology
- improve presentation of large number of features in Quantitative Reporting
Herz C, Fillion-Robin J-C, Onken M, Riesmeier J, Lasso A, Pinter C, Fichtinger G, Pieper S, Clunie D, Kikinis R, Fedorov A. dcmqi: An Open Source Library for Standardized Communication of Quantitative Image Analysis Results Using DICOM. Cancer Research. 2017;77(21):e87–e90
Fedorov A, Clunie D, Ulrich E, Bauer C, Wahle A, Brown B, Onken M, Riesmeier J, Pieper S, Kikinis R, Buatti J, Beichel RR. (2016) DICOM for quantitative imaging biomarker development: a standards based approach to sharing clinical data and structured PET/CT analysis results in head and neck cancer research. PeerJ 4:e2057
van Griethuysen, J. J. M., Fedorov, A., Parmar, C., Hosny, A., Aucoin, N., Narayan, V., Beets-Tan, R. G. H., Fillon-Robin, J. C., Pieper, S., Aerts, H. J. W. L. (2017). Computational Radiomics System to Decode the Radiographic Phenotype. Cancer Research, 77(21), e104–e107.