NA-MIC Project Week 2020-12-17, 11am-12pm EST
In this breakout session we try to come up with a consensus on how to best store image segmentation and annotations that is convenient for many workflows and software tools.
- Andras Lasso (Queen's University)
- Steve Pieper (Isomics)
- Matt McCormick (Kitware)
- Hans Johnson (University of Iowa)
- Mike Halle (BWH)
- Alexis Girault (Kitware)
- Ron Kikinis (BWH)
- Theodore Aptekarev
- Mehran Azimbagirad
- Sam Horvath (Kitware)
- add your name here
- 3D image + colormap file: nrrd/nift and separate file in custom file format for storing segment names and color (3D Slicer, ITK-Snap, ...)
- 3D Slicer seg.nrrd file: standard nrrd with custom fields (specification, example)
- DICOM segmentation object
- DICOM SR (see this white paper by David Clunie)
- Legacy DICOM RT parallel contours, and other weird things (overlay, …)
- Label JSON compatible with or using the OME-NGFF "image-label" metadata
- two files (json sidecar)
- python, c++, javascript, rust, java
- zarr, n5 (not-hdf5)
- relies on “folder” structure (similar to BIDS)
- when working with local filesystem, this facilitates parallel write
- easy mapping to web hosting to request partial data components
- also support for zipping into single file for transport, reading on local filesystems
- Slicer fcsv: good for problem-specific export, not well suited as archival format
- Slicer markups json (
- DICOM SR: limited and complicated, but standard
- AIM: did not really take off, a new json format is being created
- MetaIO:
- frame of references were nicely defined
- Confusions between coordinate system and transform
- Scope:
- Use shared data model, can be used in different file format
- Interchange format (not high-performance)
- Easy reading/writing in Python, C++, JavaScript
- Compatibility with 3D Slicer, ITK, DICOM, ...
- Web friendly (JSON)
- a python module for Slicer I/O
- non iteratively running segment editor: It makes sense to use the module interactively for workflow/parameter exploration, but once a methodology to process a certain dataset is clear, I would love to be able to run through command line in batch. Right now I use the segment editor interactively and then move to Jupyter and/or C++ CLIs that use analogous functionality, but that I can batch-ify. It's really annoying.
- separate style, semantic, representation
- Allow specifying hierarchies
- provenance (optional reference to source images, operator, date/time)
- Frame of reference UID
- Compression
- Tiling
- NRRD with single json object in a custom field
- Label JSON compatible with or using the OME-NGFF "image-label" metadata
- NRRD replacement modeled after glTF
- Use glTF and create a standard extension, see TRAKO as an example. Why?
- NRRD taught us many things, but in 2020 we don’t need ad-hoc parsing. We have JSON.
- Even if you have a robust parser for NRRD, extra key values need to be parsed manually.
- NRRD was designed to be w2not just human readable, but human writable. It permits all sorts of duplicate fields and values (signed long long int vs int64_t. Really? Keys with optional spaces in them? Really? “centers” and “centerings” as synonyms? Really?).
- It most likely isn’t UTF-8 compliant, so it can’t be internationalized. That’s important for segmentation labels from other languages.
- It has corner cases in parsing. For example, if a field value has a space in front of it, it will get eaten.
- It has extensibility, but it is limited.
- NRRD is a little tricky to parse efficiently in JavaScript because there’s no guarantee that the image data is aligned to the data type. For instance, floats might not be on a four byte boundary. This may lead to unnecessary copying of potentially large datasets.
- Support for only one buffer. glTF has multiple. This isn’t a big deal, but it’s nice to be able to have multiple datasets together.
NRRD0004 # Complete NRRD file format specification at: # type: unsigned char dimension: 4 space: left-posterior-superior sizes: 2 256 256 112 space directions: none (0.93750000000000022,0,0) (0,0.93750000000000022,0) (0,0,1.4000000000000001) kinds: list domain domain domain encoding: gzip space origin: (-119.53100000000005,-119.53099999999999,-77.700000000000003) Segment0_Color:=0.694118 0.478431 0.396078 Segment0_ColorAutoGenerated:=1 Segment0_Extent:=40 210 3 235 0 111 Segment0_ID:=Segment_1 Segment0_LabelValue:=1 Segment0_Layer:=0 Segment0_Name:=Head Segment0_NameAutoGenerated:=0 Segment0_Tags:=Segmentation.Status:notstarted|TerminologyEntry:Segmentation category and type - 3D Slicer General Anatomy list~SCT^123037004^Anatomical Structure~SCT^69536005^Head~^^~Anatomic codes - DICOM master list~^^~^^| Segment1_Color:=0.564706 0.933333 0.564706 Segment1_ColorAutoGenerated:=1 Segment1_Extent:=113 148 80 115 64 89 Segment1_ID:=Segment_2 Segment1_LabelValue:=1 Segment1_Layer:=1 Segment1_Name:=Mass Segment1_NameAutoGenerated:=0 Segment1_Tags:=Segmentation.Status:inprogress|TerminologyEntry:Segmentation category and type - 3D Slicer General Anatomy list~SCT^49755003^Morphologically Altered Structure~SCT^4147007^Mass~^^~Anatomic codes - DICOM master list~^^~^^| Segmentation_ContainedRepresentationNames:=Binary labelmap|Closed surface| Segmentation_ConversionParameters:=Collapse labelmaps|1|Merge the labelmaps into as few shared labelmaps as possible 1 = created labelmaps will be shared if possible without overwriting each other.&Compute surface normals|1|Compute surface normals. 1 (default) = surface normals are computed. 0 = surface normals are not computed (slightly faster but produces less smooth surface display).&Crop to reference image geometry|0|Crop the model to the extent of reference geometry. 0 (default) = created labelmap will contain the entire model. 1 = created labelmap extent will be within reference image extent.&Decimation factor|0.0|Desired reduction in the total number of polygons. Range: 0.0 (no decimation) to 1.0 (as much simplification as possible). Value of 0.8 typically reduces data set size by 80% without losing too much details.&Fractional labelmap oversampling factor|1|Determines the oversampling of the reference image geometry. All segments are oversampled with the same value (value of 1 means no oversampling).&Joint smoothing|0|Perform joint smoothing.&Oversampling factor|1|Determines the oversampling of the reference image geometry. If it's a number, then all segments are oversampled with the same value (value of 1 means no oversampling). If it has the value "A", then automatic oversampling is calculated.&Reference image geometry|-0.9375000000000001;0;0;119.53100000000003;0;-0.9375000000000001;0;119.53099999999999;0;0;1.4000000000000001;-77.7;0;0;0;1;0;255;0;255;0;111;|Image geometry description string determining the geometry of the labelmap that is created in course of conversion. Can be copied from a volume, using the button.&Smoothing factor|0.2|Smoothing factor. Range: 0.0 (no smoothing) to 1.0 (strong smoothing).&Threshold fraction|0.5|Determines the threshold that the closed surface is created at as a fractional value between 0 and 1.& Segmentation_MasterRepresentation:=Binary labelmap Segmentation_ReferenceImageExtentOffset:=0 0 0
"image-label": { "version": "0.1", "colors": [ { "label-value": 1, "rgba": [255, 255, 255, 0] }, { "label-value": 4, "rgba": [0, 255, 255, 128] }, ... ], "properties": [ { "label-value": 1, "area (pixels)": 1200, "class": "foo" }, { "label-value": 4, "area (pixels)": 1650 }, ... ] }, "source": { "image": "../../" } ]
Store schema in top-level folder