This is the core library for Arrow DB. It contains the logic for the Arrow DB server.
Arrow DB is a thin wrapper around Arrow's RecordBatch and DataFusion's SessionContext.
Arrow DB serializes the database tables into Parquet files on disk. This allows for persisting data after the server is shutdown.
Create a new database.
use arrow_db_core::database::Database;
let database = Database::new("MyDB")?;
Create a new table in the database.
use arrow_db_core::database::Database;
use arrow_db_core::table::Table;
let database = Database::new("MyDB")?;
let table = Table::new("users");
Add a column to the table and populate it with data.
use arrow_db_core::database::Database;
use arrow_db_core::table::Table;
use arrow::array::{Int32Array, StringArray};
let database = Database::new("MyDB")?;
let table = Table::new("users");
get_mut_table!(database, "users")?
0, // column index
"id", // name
DataType::Int32, // data type
Int32Array::from(vec![1, 2, 3, 4]).into(), // data
Append data to an existing column.
get_mut_table!(database, "users")?
0, // column index
Int32Array::from(vec![3]).into(), // data
Insert data into a column at a specific row.
get_mut_table!(database, "users")?
0, // column index
2, // row index
Int32Array::from(vec![4]).into(), // data
Update data in a column at a specific row.
get_mut_table!(database, "users")?
0, // column index
2, // row index
Int32Array::from(vec![5]).into(), // data
Delete a column from the table.
get_mut_table!(database, "users")?.delete_column(0)?;