Thank you for contributing to this project! The developers are part of the Decred community and coordinate in a chat on the Matrix platform, you'll need a (free) account to access it.
If you found a bug, before creating an issue please search among the open ones. Please add as many useful details as you can.
If you'd like to request a new feature, either create an issue (again, after searching first) or chat with us on Matrix (see above).
The Poetry tool is used for dependency management and packaging. You'll reformat your changes with the Black tool and run tests using pytest.
Before each pull request is merged, a Github workflow action is run to make sure that the changes meet some minimum requirements. The action definition file is a useful summary of the commands you'll run while developing.
Tests are written in the pytest format, and may be
debugged more conveniently using the
PuDB console-based visual debugger, invoked
via the ./decred/
For displaying line-by-line test coverage in a web browser see the
Please find more information in the dcrd contribution guidelines.