This is a brief overview on how deflect-core could be deployed and guidelines on how to start a development env for scratch.
git clone [email protected]:equalitie/deflect-core.git
git submodule update --init
# Init config and set SECRET_KEY
# You can generate a key at
cp core/.env.example core/.env
# Docker build and start
docker compose up -d --build
Several container will be launched by using the above command:
- web: django app
- db: mysql, exposing 3306
- nginx: reverse proxy, exposing port 80
- rabbitmq: celery queue, exposing port 5672 and 15672
- worker: celery
If you are launching deflect-core for the first time, it is required to migrate the database and collect the static file, as well as setting up an admin account
docker compose exec web python migrate --noinput
docker compose exec web python collectstatic --no-input --clear
docker compose exec web python createsuperuser --email [email protected] --username admin
deflect-core could be launch shutdown by:
docker compose up -d
docker compose down
For logs:
docker compose logs <web|db|worker|rabbitmq|nginx>
RabbitMQ Management http://localhost:15672 with account guest
and guest
Change the web
section in docker-compose
command: >
sh -c "edge_manage --config deploy/edgemanage/edgemanage.yaml --dnet dnet1 &&
edge_query --config deploy/edgemanage/edgemanage.yaml --dnet dnet1 &&
python test --noinput"
- Python 3.6.10
- Django 3.1
- Django REST framework 3.11.1
- MySQL 5.7 or above (JSON support)
- RabbitMQ 3.8
Deflect core could be installed in a python virtual env
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Two git submodule, including edgemanage
should be init and install
git submodule update --init
cd edgemanage3 && python install
After that, we could setup deflect-core, edit .env
and setup database
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp core/.env.example core/.env
python migrate
python createsuperuser --email [email protected] --username admin
Start the dev server with
python runserver
Run a celery worker with RabbitMQ for development
python migrate django_celery_results # first time
celery -A core worker -l info
or change broker settings in
CELERY_BROKER_URL = 'amqp://localhost'
After executing python install
for edgemanage, there will be 3 binary installed
- edge_manage
- edge_query
- edge_conf
Directly executing these command should work as usual, but an edgemanage config yaml is required before running such command
cp dev/edgemanage/edgemanage.example.yaml dev/edgemanage/edgemanage.yaml
- Edit
, replace<abs_path>
with absolute path of this project directory (without trailing/
) - Create
and insert edges hostname, line by line
Execute commands to ensure edgemanage is installed correctly
edge_manage --dnet dev --config dev/edgemanage/edgemanage.yaml -v
edge_conf --dnet dev --config dev/edgemanage/edgemanage.yaml --mode unavailable --comment "out" {edge_hostname}
edge_query --dnet dev --config dev/edgemanage/edgemanage.yaml -v