Objective-C class for uploading files to server with Queue Operation and uploading progress
First go into HTTPRequest.m File and insert your Domain in BASEURL #typedef and the php file name (the php file that include the server code for handling with the received files)
#define kUrlUploadFiles @"scriptgettingfiles.php"
#define K_BASE_URL @"http://www.yourdomain.com"
Import the class:
#import "HTTPRequest.h"
Then include the HTTPRequestDelegate
@interface ViewController ()<HTTPRequestDelegate>
Create HTTPRequest’s Object type:
@property (nonatomic, strong)HTTPRequest *request;
Init the request Object:
request = [[HTTPRequest alloc]initWithDelegate:self];
Add file to upload:
[request addFileToUpload:@"test1" filePath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"1" ofType:@"png"]];
- first Var (@“test1”) is file’s Key, you can use in file’s name for this area *
** 2nd Var is file’s Path, just get your file full path and add it there **
*** you can use this Method to add more files to the Queue During uploading progress:
- (IBAction)addFile:(id)sender {
[request addFileToUpload:@“fileName” filePath:fileFullPath];