Qbs debugging relies on the debug engines supported in VS Code.
All debugger configurations must be described in the file
. The format of this file and the list of supported
debuggers can be found on the official VS Code
Qbs extension supports two debuggigng approaches: one is to use
the automatic creation of the launch configuration and the other
is to use the launch.json
To use the automatic configuration, just select Auto
running the Qbs: Select Launch Configuration command,
or click on the appropriate button on the right side of the
task bar.
Automatic configuration is always present in the selector,
and the launch.json
file is not used at all. This configuration
is filled in runtime from the scratch
when the debugging starts.
To use the user defined launch configuration, you need to create
the launch.json
file and place it in the current project workspace
folder, along the path <path/to/your/project/.vscode/launch.json>
Also it is possible to do it by running the Qbs: Edit Launch Configurations command.
After saving the launch.json
file, new configuration choices will
automatically be added to the selector, and the user can choose
it running the Qbs: Select Launch Configuration command.
To actualize the selector of launch configurations, run the Qbs: Scan Launch Configurations command.
For example, the minimum debugger configuration for MSVC
and GCC
toolchains might look like this:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "C++ Debugger (MSVC)",
"type": "cppvsdbg",
"request": "launch",
"console": "integratedTerminal"
"name": "C++ Debugger (GDB)",
"type": "cppdbg",
"request": "launch",
"MIMode": "gdb",
"console": "integratedTerminal"
Use "console": "integratedTerminal"
if you want to see the trace
output of your product in the VS Code debug output pane.
The user can specify any other location for the launch.json
file by changing the qbs.launchFilePath
variable in the
Qbs extension settings.
You should choose the desired debugger for debugging.
From the command palette in VS Code, run the Qbs: Select Launch Configuration command, or press the Click to Select the Launch Configuration button in right of the status bar.
From the command palette in VS Code, run the Qbs: Debug command, or press the Debug button in the status bar.
Make sure that the product being debugged is preselected in the Click to Select the Product to Debug or Run button.
- From the command palette in VS Code, run the Qbs: Run command, or press the Run button in the status bar.
Make sure that the product being debugged is preselected in the Click to Select the Product to Debug or Run button.
The output of the running product will be shown in an integrated terminal.
Sometime running an application natively via this extenion is not desired (for example when using Cortex-Debug).
For that case the Qbs extensions provides the following command variables:
For example, set the path to an .elf
-file when using the
cortex-debug extension can be done with:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
"executable": "${command:qbs.getProductExecutablePath}",
"name": "Debug Microcontroller",
"request": "launch",
"type": "cortex-debug",
"showDevDebugOutput": false,
"servertype": "jlink"
(assuming that you set the qbs.installDir
for firmware.elf
to bin
- Explore the Qbs extension documentation