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Ket is a toolbox for quantum information, nonlocality, and entanglement written in the Julia programming language. All its functions are designed to work with generic types, allowing one to use Int64 or Float64 for efficiency, or arbitrary precision types when needed. Wherever possible they can be also used for optimization with JuMP. And everything is optimized to the last microsecond.


  • Work with multipartite Bell inequalities, computing their local bounds and Tsirelson bounds with local_bound and tsirelson_bound, and transforming between Collins-Gisin, probability, and correlator representations with tensor_collinsgisin, tensor_probability, and tensor_correlation.
  • Work with bipartite entanglement by computing the relative entropy of entanglement, random robustness, or Schmidt number via entanglement_entropy, random_robustness, and schmidt_number. Under the hood these functions use the DPS hierarchy, which is also available in isolation via _dps_constraints!.
  • Generate MUBs and SIC-POVMs through mub and sic_povm.
  • Generate uniformly-distributed random states, unitaries, and POVMs with random_state, random_unitary, and random_povm.
  • Generate well-known families of quantum states, such as the Bell states, the GHZ state, the W state, the Dicke states, and the super-singlet via state_bell, state_ghz, state_w, state_dicke, and state_supersinglet.
  • Work with multilinear algebra via utility functions such as partial_trace, partial_transpose, and permute_systems.
  • Generate kets with ket.

For the full list of functions see the documentation.


Ket is a registered Julia package, so it can be installed by typing

]add Ket

into the Julia REPL.

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