As part of this session we will see how to setup environment to practice NiFi in a single node cluster with Hadoop and Spark.
- Provision Server from AWS
- Setup Pre-Requisites
- Setup and Configure Hadoop
- Start and Validate Hadoop Components
- Setup and Validate Spark
- Setup and Start NiFi
- Understanding NiFi Layout
- Validating NiFi
The content will be free, however if you want to watch videos to understand key concepts feel free to join our YouTube Channel as a member.
All the instructions that are related to provisionsing server from AWS, Setup Hadoop, Spark etc are covered as part of Setup Development Environment for Spark.
Here are the videos as well for instructions to setup Hadoop and Spark on Centos 7 based machine as a single node cluster.
Here is the pre-recorded video covering the material published here.
Here are the instructions to setup and start NiFi.
- Go to NiFi Official Downloads Page and choose the version of your choice.
- Go to the mirror and copy the link.
- Login into the server provisioned and run
command to download. - Untar and unzip using
tar xzf
command. - Copy the untarred folder to /opt and change the ownership to user such as centos or non root user you are using.
- Create softlink /opt/nifi for the versioned nifi folder.
- Export environment variables in the session as well as update .bash_profile.
- Here are the commands we have used for your reference. Make sure you update as per your environment.
tar xzf nifi-1.11.4-bin.tar.gz
sudo mv -f nifi-1.11.4 /opt
sudo chown centos:centos -R /opt/nifi-1.11.4
sudo ln -s /opt/nifi-1.11.4 /opt/nifi
Here are the details about NiFi software layout in our environment.
- It is configured under /opt/nifi
- Configurations are available under /opt/nifi/conf
- bootstrap.conf
- Executables are under /opt/nifi/bin
- Logs are being generated under /opt/nifi/logs
- The default file is /opt/nifi/logs/nifi-app.log
We can manage NiFi using a shell script called as under /opt/nifi/bin.
- Make sure /opt/nifi/bin is added to environment variable PATH
- Starting NiFi - start
- Stopping NiFi - stop
- Checking Status - status
- Once NiFi is started we can go to the URL using configured port and see NiFi Web UI is coming up or not.
- If you are using AWS, make sure the security group is updated with the port number or whitelist the ip address from which you want to access NiFi Web UI.
- Make sure to check the log messages generated at /opt/nifi/logs/nifi-app.log so that we get comfortable in case of any errors at a later point in time.
Let us run a simple pipeline as well to ensure that NiFi is working as expected.
- Download this NiFi Simple Pipeline from our GitHub Repository.
- Upload it using NiFi UI
- Review processors and the locations that are used against the setup.
- Run and validate to see if the data is flowing as expected.