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Tim Ermilov edited this page Feb 26, 2020 · 13 revisions

I've added new document, but it's not on the website, what did I miss?

Just adding or editing content is not enough to change it on the website.
Make sure you actually execute deploy procedure as documented to see changes live.

How do I embed Youtube, Twitter, etc?

We use @pauliescanlon/gatsby-mdx-embed extension to embed content into MDX pages.
It allows embedding just about any existing content into a page.
Here's a few examples to get you started:

# My new awesome article

Here's a youtube video:

<YouTube youTubeId="WUgvvPRH7Oc" />

And here's a tweet:

<Tweet tweetLink="PaulieScanlon/status/1201514996838141952" />

And here's a github gist:

<Gist gistLink="PaulieScanlon/ca0cc9239176066492cb2aba435edbf7" />

For more examples and detailed explanation of available embed in the extension docs.