Releases: difi/sikker-digital-post-klient-dotnet
5.0.1 - Oppdaterer avhengigheter
Use api-client-shared 4 for compatibility reasons
Unlisted on nuget to avoid confusion with 5.0.1
Oppdaterer avhengigheter
Bump av major grunnet:
- Erstatter BouncyCastle med Portable.BouncyCastle for .netStandard-støtte.
Endre target til .NET standard 2.0
Samt oppgradert avhengigheter.
Utover dette er det ingen funksjonelle endringer.
Add support for DataTypes
The client now supports sending DataTypes metadata as raw xml strings in Documents. This metadata is used to define extra functionality surrounding the document and its contents. For more info regarding supported datatypes, see
No bugfixes, but please report any bugs you might find.
Update Documentation
Nothing noteworthy
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where certificate names were hardcoded to be smoke-certificate, when it was supposed to be enterprise-certificate.
Lots of new, fancy documentation to go with the upgrade to .NET Core!
Oppgrader til BouncyCastle
After having to replace the System.Cryptograpghy library in a single method with BouncyCastle due to bugs with .NET Core 2+, we've decided to simply rely on BouncyCastle across all of our .NET libraries instead of just that one method. We'll still be using .NET Core's X509Certificates over BouncyCastle's though.
Oppgrader til .NET Core 2+
The library was previously named sikker-digital-post-klient-dotnet. To conform better with naming conventions and package structuring, the library now has several packages with the prefix Difi.SikkerDigitalPost.Klient.*.
The library is now NET Core 2.2.
Certificate loading should now be done by file, as the previous loading by certificate thumbprint has not been tested extensively.
Please see the documentation for more information on all the changes.
No bugfixes, but please report any bugs you might find.
2.1.0 - Støtte for 256 tegn i tittel
- Det er nå mulig å ha 256 tegn i tittel på
- Ytelsesforbedringer