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File metadata and controls

177 lines (125 loc) · 12.4 KB


Deprecated 20/02/24

Inteli OpenAPI service for interacting with the DSCP (Digital Supply-Chain Platform)

Environment Variables

inteli-api is configured primarily using environment variables as follows:

variable required default description
SERVICE_TYPE N info Logging level. Valid values are [trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
PORT N 80 The port for the API to listen on
EXTERNAL_ORIGIN N The origin from which the OpenAPI service is accessible. If not provided the value will default to http://localhost:${PORT}
EXTERNAL_PATH_PREFIX N A path prefix from which this service is served
LOG_LEVEL N info Logging level. Valid values are [trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
API_VERSION N package.json version API version
API_MAJOR_VERSION N v1 API major version
DSCP_API_HOST Y - dscp-api host
DSCP_API_PORT Y - dscp-api port
DB_HOST Y - PostgreSQL database hostname
DB_PORT N 5432 PostgreSQL database port
DB_NAME N inteli PostgreSQL database name
DB_USERNAME Y - PostgreSQL database username
DB_PASSWORD Y - PostgreSQL database password
FILE_UPLOAD_SIZE_LIMIT_BYTES N 1024 * 1024 * 100 Maximum file size in bytes for upload
IDENTITY_SERVICE_HOST Y Hostname of the dscp-identity-service
IDENTITY_SERVICE_PORT Y Port of the dscp-identity-service
AUTH_TYPE N NONE Authentication type for routes on the service. Valid values: [NONE, JWT]

The following environment variables are additionally used when AUTH_TYPE : 'JWT'

variable required default description
AUTH_JWKS_URI N JSON Web Key Set containing public keys used by the Auth0 API
AUTH_AUDIENCE N inteli-dev Identifier of the Auth0 API
AUTH_ISSUER N Domain of the Auth0 API `
AUTH_TOKEN_URL N Auth0 API endpoint that issues an Authorisation (Bearer) access token

Getting started

Start dependencies:

docker compose up -d

Install packages:

npm i

Run DB migrations:

npx knex migrate:latest --env test

Run the application in development mode:

npm run dev

Assuming devDefault environment variables, view OpenAPI documentation for all routes with Swagger:


The Swagger route is constructed as localhost:{PORT}/{API_MAJOR_VERSION}/swagger. OpenAPI docs can also be viewed as JSON localhost:{PORT}/{API_MAJOR_VERSION}/api-docs.


If AUTH_TYPE env is set to JWT, the endpoints on inteli-api require Bearer Authentication using a JSON Web Token. Tokens are generated externally as an Auth0 Machine to Machine token. You will need to create your own Auth0 API, which can be done for free, and set the appropriate environment variables (those prefixed with AUTH). Follow the start of this tutorial to create an API. Go here and here to see where the environment variables are used.


Integration tests for AUTH_TYPE: 'JWT' use a preconfigured Auth0 test application and user to authenticate across multiple dscp services. Follow the tutorial here to create your own.

Once a test application and user is created, running integration tests locally requires a /test/test.env file containing the following environment variables:

variable required default description
AUTH_TEST_USERNAME Y - Username of the auth0 user for testing
AUTH_TEST_PASSWORD Y - Password of the auth0 user for testing
AUTH_TEST_CLIENT_ID Y - Client ID of the auth0 application for testing
AUTH_TEST_CLIENT_SECRET Y - Client secret of the auth0 application for testing

Start dependencies with AUTH_TYPE: 'JWT':

AUTH_TYPE=JWT docker compose up -d

Run tests:

npm run test:jwt

API design

inteli-api provides a RESTful OpenAPI-based interface for third parties and front-ends to interact with the DSCP system. The design prioritises:

  1. RESTful design principles:
    • all endpoints describing discrete operations on path derived entities.
    • use of HTTP verbs to describe whether state is modified, whether the action is idempotent etc.
    • HTTP response codes indicating the correct status of the request.
    • HTTP response bodies including the details of a query response or details about the entity being created/modified.
  2. Simplicity of structure. The API should be easily understood by a third party and traversable.
  3. Simplicity of usage:
    • all APIs that take request bodies taking a JSON structured request with the exception of attachment upload (which is idiomatically represented as a multipart form).
    • all APIs which return a body returning a JSON structured response (again with the exception of attachments.
  4. Abstraction of the underlying DLT components. This means no token Ids, no block numbers etc.
  5. Conflict free identifiers. All identifiers must be conflict free as updates can come from third party organisations.

Fundamental entities

These are the top level physical concepts in the system. They are the top level RESTful path segments. Note that different states of an entity will NOT be represented as different top level entities.

  • recipe
  • orders
  • build
  • part

Additionally, there is one more top level entity attachment which accepts a multipart/form-data payload for uploading a file. This returns an attachmentId that can then be used when preparing entity updates to attach files.

Entity queries

Entity queries allow the API user to list those entities (including a query) and to get a specific entity. For order for example:

  • GET /order - list orders
  • GET /order/{orderId} - get order

Entity creation

Allows the creation of an initial local state for an entity. Note this is essentially just to establish an internal identifier for the entity and the state is not shared across the blockchain network at this point.

  • POST /order

Entity updates

Allows different kind of updates to be prepared and applied to an entity. For example, an order must be submitted via a submission action. Each update can have specific files attached along with other specific metadata.

  • POST /order/{orderId}/submission - create an order submission action and send it to the blockchain.
  • GET /order/{orderId}/submission - list order submissions and their status.
  • GET /order/{orderId}/submission/{submissionId} - get the details of an order submission.

Attachment API

The last top level entity attachment, which accepts a multipart/form-data payload for uploading a file or application/json for uploading JSON as a file. This will return an attachmentId that can then be used when preparing entity updates to attach files.

  • POST /attachment
  • GET /attachment/{attachmentId}

Demo scenario

Demoing the routes in inteli-api requires two personas: buyer and supplier. Each persona runs their own instance of inteli-api and its dependencies.

Before transacting, each persona sets aliases in dscp-identity-service for other parties' node addresses so they can refer to them by human-friendly names. The self alias should also be set for a persona's own node address.

  1. buyer wants to create a recipe, which describes how a particular supplier will make a part. A recipe always includes an image attachment, so first buyer must upload an image to their local database with POST /attachment.
  2. They use the returned imageattachmentId in the request body to POST /recipe, as well as setting supplier: 'supplier' and providing an array of requiredCerts for the recipe. Later on, supplier will need to add a certificate file for each requiredCert for the part built from the recipe. At this point, the recipe only exists in the buyer database.
  3. When buyer is ready for the recipe to exist on chain they POST recipe/{id}/creation. supplier can now see the recipe if their node is running and connected.
  4. buyer creates an order of 1-10 recipes in their local database with POST /order, again setting supplier: 'supplier'. The request will fail if any of the listed recipes are set with a different supplier.
  5. When buyer is ready for the order to exist on chain they POST order/{id}/submission.
  6. supplier can POST order/{id}/rejection or POST order/{id}/acceptance the order. For simplicity they will accept, signifying their intent to build parts to fulfil the order.
  7. supplier creates a build of 1-10 recipes in their local database. They must have the supplier role for each recipe.
  8. When supplier is ready for the build to exist on chain they POST build/{id}/schedule. This also creates a new part on chain for each recipe.
  9. supplier can assign an individual part to an order with POST part/{id}/order-assignment. itemIndex in the request body matches the index on the order for the specific recipe that was used to build that part. builds (and parts) can be started and completed before an order is made and later assigned to one.
  10. A required certificate (attachment) for a part is added with /part/{id}/certification by supplier. certificationIndex in the request matches the index on the recipe for the requiredCert that the uploaded certificate is fulfilling.
  11. supplier can change the estimated date of completion or add general build files (attachments) to the build with POST build/{id}/progress-update.
  12. supplier can add general, non-required files (attachments) to the part with POST build/{id}/metadata-update.
  13. Finally, supplier can complete the build with POST build/{id}/completion.