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1167 lines (966 loc) · 38.8 KB

File metadata and controls

1167 lines (966 loc) · 38.8 KB

Data types

Type Description
Appointment Appointment represents a meeting set for a specific place and time
Boligdetaljer Details about a Residence, and may be joined with Residence to retrieve the core fields of a Residence.
Event Event represents an event that occurs over a time period or several days. Eg. a conference or an election
ExternalLink An external URL, along with an optional description and deadline for resources such as a survey.
Inkasso A debt collection payment
Invoice An invoice
InvoicePayment Payment information for an invoice
Payslip For treating documents as Payslips.
PickupNotice Details about a pickup notice
PickupNoticeStatus Updates to status for PickupNotice
Proof Represents a legal document (Certificate, Licence, Permit, etc.) issued to a single person, valid for one or more time periods.
Receipt Receipt represents a document containing details about a purchase
Residence Residence is a way of linking separate data for the same residence
ShareDocumentsRequest A request for a user to share one or more documents
ShareDocumentsRequestDocumentsShared Documents have been shared for ShareDocumentsRequest
ShareDocumentsRequestSharingStopped Stop sharing of documents for ShareDocumentsRequest
SignedDocument Details about a signed document


Appointment represents a meeting set for a specific place and time


Name Type Required Description
startTime ZonedDateTime yes ISO8601 full DateTime
endTime ZonedDateTime no ISO8601 full DateTime. Default value 30 minutes after startTime
arrivalTime String no Free text but can contain a ISO8601 DateTime. Example: Please arrive 15 minutes early
place String no The name of the place. Example: Oslo City Røntgen
address Address no
subTitle String no Example: MR-undersøkelse av høyre kne
info List no Additional sections of information (max 2) with a title and text
language Language no Languange for the document
link ExternalLink no A link to more information, or further actions that can be taken


Name Type Required Description
streetAddress String no E.g. Storgata 11
streetAddress2 String no E.g. Romerike Næringspark
postalCode String no
city String no
country String no


Valid values:

  • NB
  • NN
  • EN


Name Type Required Description
url URI yes Target URL of this link. Must be http or https.
deadline ZonedDateTime no Optional deadline for the user to respond. ISO8601 full DateTime.
description String no A short, optional text-field, describing the external link.
buttonText String no Optional text which will be displayed on the button.


<appointment xmlns="">
    <arrival-time>Oppmøte senest 15 minutter før timen</arrival-time>
    <place>Oslo City Røntgen</place>
        <street-address>Storgata 23</street-address>
    <sub-title>Undersøke smerter i ryggen</sub-title>
        <title>Informasjon om Oslo City Røntgen</title>
        <text>Oslo City Røntgen er et spesialistsenter for avansert bildediagnostikk.</text>
        <description>Oslo Kommune ber deg akseptere eller avslå tilbudet om barnehageplass.</description>
        <button-text>Svar på barnehageplass</button-text>


Details about a Residence, and may be joined with Residence to retrieve the core fields of a Residence.

Complemented by:



Name Type Required Description
residence Residence yes
hjemmelshavere List no List of people with legal rights associated with the residence
bruksareal Integer no BRA for bolig
antallOppholdsrom Integer no Number of rooms, bathroom, kitchen and storage rooms excluded
antallBaderom Integer no Number of bathrooms
omsetningshistorikk List no Previous sales and transactions
organisasjonsnummer String no
bruksenhet String no
andelsnummer String no
heftelser List no
callToAction ExternalLink no An optional ExternalLink prompting the user to perform an action on an external site
language Language no Languange for the document


Name Type Required Description
address ResidenceAddress yes
matrikkel Matrikkel no
source String no
externalId String no


Name Type Required Description
unitNumber String no Bolignummer. Must be of format [UKHL]0000. E.g. H0304
houseNumber String no A house number with or without a house letter. E.g. 11 or 11A
streetName String no The name of the street. E.g. Storgata
postalCode String no
city String no


Name Type Required Description
kommunenummer String yes
gaardsnummer String yes
bruksnummer String yes
festenummer String no
seksjonsnummer String no


Name Type Required Description
url URI yes Target URL of this link. Must be http or https.
deadline ZonedDateTime no Optional deadline for the user to respond. ISO8601 full DateTime.
description String no A short, optional text-field, describing the external link.
buttonText String no Optional text which will be displayed on the button.


Valid values:

  • NB
  • NN
  • EN


<boligdetaljer xmlns="">
        <name>Gunnar Gunnersen</name>
        <email>[email protected]</email>
        <beskrivelse>Privat salg av sekundærbolig</beskrivelse>
        <selger>Bill Isalg</selger>
        <kjoeper>Cooper Coopersen</kjoeper>
        <panthaver>TNT ASA</panthaver>
        <description>Gå til avsenders side for å gjøre en handling</description>
        <button-text>Ta meg til handling!</button-text>


Event represents an event that occurs over a time period or several days. Eg. a conference or an election


Name Type Required Description
subTitle String no Example: 'Kommunestyre- og fylkestingvalg'
time List yes List of time intervals
timeLabel String no Optional label for time. null yield default in gui, eg. 'Opening hours'
description String no Free text but can contain a ISO8601 DateTime. Example: 'Please use entrance from street'
place String no The name of the place. Example: 'Sagene skole'
placeLabel String no Optional label for place. null yield default in gui, eg. 'Venue location'
address Address no
info List no Additional sections of information (max 10) with a title and text.
barcodeLabel String no Optional label for barcode. null yield default in gui, eg. ''
barcode Barcode no Barcode
links List no Links for releated information to the appointment
language Language no Languange for the document


Name Type Required Description
streetAddress String no E.g. Storgata 11
streetAddress2 String no E.g. Romerike Næringspark
postalCode String no
city String no
country String no


Name Type Required Description
barcodeValue String no The barcode on this receipt
barcodeType String no
barcodeText String no Barcode text can be used to describe the barcode
showValueInBarcode Boolean no If true, the barcode will render its value as part of the image


Valid values:

  • NB
  • NN
  • EN


<event xmlns="">
    <sub-title>Kommunestyre- og fylkestingvalg</sub-title>
    <timeLabel>Opening hours</timeLabel>
    <description>Velkommen til valg! Husk legitimasjon.</description>
    <place>Sagene skole</place>
    <placeLabel>Election venue</placeLabel>
        <street-address>Storgata 23</street-address>
        <text>Du kan forhåndsstemme fra 10. august</text>
    <barcodeLabel>Barcode for use on election day:</barcodeLabel>
        <barcode-text>Show barcode for faster identification</barcode-text>
        <description>Les mer om valget på</description>


An external URL, along with an optional description and deadline for resources such as a survey.


Name Type Required Description
url URI yes Target URL of this link. Must be http or https.
deadline ZonedDateTime no Optional deadline for the user to respond. ISO8601 full DateTime.
description String no A short, optional text-field, describing the external link.
buttonText String no Optional text which will be displayed on the button.


<externalLink xmlns="">
    <description>Oslo Kommune ber deg akseptere eller avslå tilbudet om barnehageplass.</description>
    <button-text>Svar på barnehageplass</button-text>


A debt collection payment

Complemented by:



Name Type Required Description
link ExternalLink no A link to more information, or further actions that can be taken
dueDate ZonedDateTime yes When the payment falls due
sum BigDecimal no The sum to be payed
account String no The creditor account for the payment. Exactly 11 digits
kid String no The customer identification number. Max length 25 chars


Name Type Required Description
url URI yes Target URL of this link. Must be http or https.
deadline ZonedDateTime no Optional deadline for the user to respond. ISO8601 full DateTime.
description String no A short, optional text-field, describing the external link.
buttonText String no Optional text which will be displayed on the button.


<inkasso xmlns="">
        <description>Gå til avsenders side for å gjøre en handling</description>
        <button-text>Ta meg til handling!</button-text>


An invoice

Complemented by:



Name Type Required Description
link ExternalLink no A link to more information, or further actions that can be taken
dueDate ZonedDateTime yes When the payment falls due
sum BigDecimal yes The sum to be paid
creditorAccount String yes The creditor account for the payment. Exactly 11 digits
kid String no The customer identification number. Max length 25 chars


Name Type Required Description
url URI yes Target URL of this link. Must be http or https.
deadline ZonedDateTime no Optional deadline for the user to respond. ISO8601 full DateTime.
description String no A short, optional text-field, describing the external link.
buttonText String no Optional text which will be displayed on the button.


<invoice xmlns="">
        <description>Gå til avsenders side for å gjøre en handling</description>
        <button-text>Ta meg til handling!</button-text>


Payment information for an invoice

Complemented by:



Name Type Required Description
paymentId String yes Unique id to reference the payment with third party
paymentStatus String yes A status a given payment is in. ISO20022 payment statuses can be used
paymentTime ZonedDateTime yes When the payment is done
debtorAccount String yes The debtor account for the payment. Exactly 11 digits
debtorAccountName String no Optional name of the account
paymentChannel String yes Name the third party performing the payment
paymentBank Bank yes The bank payment is registered with


Name Type Required Description
id String no Unique id of the bank to reference the payment with third party
name String no Display name of the bank


<invoice-payment xmlns="">
    <payment-channel>My pay app</payment-channel>
        <name>Acme Bank inc</name>


For treating documents as Payslips.


Name Type Required Description


<payslip xmlns=""/>


Details about a pickup notice

Complemented by:

PickupNotice, PickupNoticeStatus


Name Type Required Description
parcelId String yes The id of the parcel in posten
parcelUUID String no The uuid of the parcel
barcode Barcode yes Barcode
productName String no Mail Service product name
arrivalDateTime ZonedDateTime yes ISO8601 full DateTime for arrival at pickup place
returnDateTime ZonedDateTime yes ISO8601 full DateTime for return back to sender
recipient Recipient yes The recipient of the parcel
sender Sender no The sender of the parcel
pickupPlace PickupPlace yes where the parcel can be fetched
thePackage Package no package information
cost Cost no Information about value, mva, customs processing and more
extraInformation String no Additional information about the pickup. May for example be used to inform the recipient that identification will be required upon pickup.
status Status no The state the package is at present time
tags Set no Tags to describe the document
language Language no Language for the document
link ExternalLink no An optional link to an external site, where the recipient can perform additional actions for their package


Name Type Required Description
barcodeValue String no The barcode on this receipt
barcodeType String no
barcodeText String no Barcode text can be used to describe the barcode
showValueInBarcode Boolean no If true, the barcode will render its value as part of the image


Name Type Required Description
name String no The name of the recipient
digipostAddress String yes The digipost address for the recipient
address Address no


Name Type Required Description
streetAddress String no E.g. Storgata 11
streetAddress2 String no E.g. Romerike Næringspark
postalCode String no
city String no
country String no


Name Type Required Description
name String no The senders name
reference String no The senders reference
address Address no


Name Type Required Description
name String yes The pickup place name
code String yes The pickup code
instruction String yes instructions for fetching the parcel
shelfLocation String no shelf location at pickup point
address Address yes


Name Type Required Description
length Integer no Package lenght in cm
width Integer no Package width in cm
height Integer no Package height in cm
weight Integer no Package weight in grams


Name Type Required Description
valueToBePayed BigDecimal yes The value of the parcel in NOK
packageValue BigDecimal no The value of the parcel in NOK
customsFeeOutlayed BigDecimal no payed fee in customs
vasText String no Information about the value added service (vas)
customsFee BigDecimal no Fee payed for customs declaration
customsFeeOutlayCost BigDecimal no Outlay for customs by the service
codAmount BigDecimal no Cash on delivery (cod) amount
codFee BigDecimal no Cash on delivery (cod) fee


Valid values:



Valid values:

  • NB
  • NN
  • EN


Name Type Required Description
url URI yes Target URL of this link. Must be http or https.
deadline ZonedDateTime no Optional deadline for the user to respond. ISO8601 full DateTime.
description String no A short, optional text-field, describing the external link.
buttonText String no Optional text which will be displayed on the button.


<pickup-notice xmlns="">
        <barcode-text>Show barcode for faster identification</barcode-text>
    <product-name>Klimanøytral Servicepakke</product-name>
        <name>Test Testesen</name>
            <street-address>Storgata 23</street-address>
        <name>Avsenderservice as</name>
            <street-address>Storgata 23</street-address>
        <name>Coop Mega</name>
        <instruction>Må hentes innen 010180</instruction>
            <street-address>Storgata 23</street-address>
        <vas-text>FORENKLET TOLLBEHANDLING</vas-text>
    <extra-information>Krever fremvisning av Pass eller Norsk nasjonalt ID-kort (Show Passport or Norwegian national ID-card). Fullmakt ikke tillatt.</extra-information>
        <description>Oslo Kommune ber deg akseptere eller avslå tilbudet om barnehageplass.</description>
        <button-text>Svar på barnehageplass</button-text>


Updates to status for PickupNotice


Name Type Required Description
status Status yes The status of the PickupNotice
occurrenceDatetime ZonedDateTime no ISO8601 full DateTime for time of occurrence


Valid values:



<pickup-notice-status xmlns="">


Represents a legal document (Certificate, Licence, Permit, etc.) issued to a single person, valid for one or more time periods.


Name Type Required Description
authorizerName String no Name of e.g. the organization issuing this proof
backgroundColor String no #RRGGBB color code
issuedTime ZonedDateTime no The point of time the proof is issued
validPeriod ValidPeriod yes A description of when the proof is valid
proofHolder ProofHolder yes
title String yes
proofIdName String no A name describing the content of the proofIdValue field
proofIdValue String no A field for extra information identifying this proof, such as a membership number
attribute List no Extra information for the proof, a set of key-value pairs
info List no Extra instructions for the holder of the proof, such as special terms
language Language no Languange for the document


Name Type Required Description
period Period no
yearlyRepeatingPeriod YearlyRepeatingPeriod no


Name Type Required Description
from LocalDateTime no ISO8601 full DateTime
to LocalDateTime no ISO8601 full DateTime


Name Type Required Description
startYear Integer no
endYear Integer no
from CalendarDate yes The date each year the proof becomes valid
to CalendarDate yes The date each year the proof stops being valid


Name Type Required Description
month Integer yes
day Integer yes
hour Integer no
min Integer no
timeZone String no Deprecated, do not use. Will be ignored.


Name Type Required Description
firstName String yes
surname String yes
socialSecurityNumber String no
address Address no


Name Type Required Description
streetAddress String no E.g. Storgata 11
streetAddress2 String no E.g. Romerike Næringspark
postalCode String no
city String no
country String no


Valid values:

  • NB
  • NN
  • EN


<proof xmlns="">
    <authorizer-name>Bekkestua Bibliotek</authorizer-name>
            <street-address>Storgata 23</street-address>
        <text>Premium deluxe medlem</text>
        <text>Det er ikke lov å rive ut sider i bøkene, eller søle med ketchup. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec aliquet urna condimentum, pulvinar neque ac, tempor tellus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et </text>


Receipt represents a document containing details about a purchase


Name Type Required Description
receiptId String no The ID of this receipt in the system it was imported from
receiptNumber String no The original receipt number from the store
purchaseTime ZonedDateTime yes When the purchase was made. ISO8601 full DateTime
totalPrice BigDecimal yes The total price paid for the item(s) purchased
totalVat BigDecimal yes The total vat amount for the item(s) purchased
currencyCode String no Currency of the price, ISO4217. Example: NOK
cashier String no Identifier for cashier who made the sale
register String no Identifier for the register where the purchase was made
merchantChain String no Optional name of the chain that the merchant is a part of
merchantName String yes Name of the store or merchant. Example: Grünerløkka Hip Coffee
merchantPhoneNumber String no
merchantAddress Address no Address of the store or merchant
organizationNumber String no Organization number of the sales point
barcode Barcode no
payments List no List of payments done during this purchase
items List no The individual items sold
taxiDetails TaxiDetails no Details for taxi receipts
customer Customer no Name and address of customer
delivery Delivery no Name and address of delivery
orderNumber String no
membershipNumber String no
comment String no
language Language no Languange for the document


Name Type Required Description
streetAddress String no E.g. Storgata 11
streetAddress2 String no E.g. Romerike Næringspark
postalCode String no
city String no
country String no


Name Type Required Description
barcodeValue String no The barcode on this receipt
barcodeType String no
barcodeText String no Barcode text can be used to describe the barcode
showValueInBarcode Boolean no If true, the barcode will render its value as part of the image


Name Type Required Description
carPlateNumber String no
license String no
orgNumberLicenseHolder String no
startTime ZonedDateTime no
stopTime ZonedDateTime no
tips BigDecimal no
totalMeterPrice BigDecimal no
totalDistanceBeforeBoardingInMeters Integer no
totalDistanceInMeters Integer no
totalDistanceWithPassengerInMeters Integer no
totalTimeBeforeBoardingInSeconds Integer no
totalTimeInSeconds Integer no
totalTimeWithPassengerInSeconds Integer no
vat VatDetails no


Name Type Required Description
levels List no
sum BigDecimal no


Name Type Required Description
name String no
address Address no
phoneNumber String no


Name Type Required Description
name String no
address Address no
terms String no


Valid values:

  • NB
  • NN
  • EN


<receipt xmlns="">
    <merchant-name>Grünerløkka Hip Coffee</merchant-name>
        <street-address>Storgata 23</street-address>
        <barcode-text>Show barcode for faster identification</barcode-text>
        <type>Bank Axept</type>
        <item-name>Tall Cafe latte</item-name>
        <item-description>Tall vanilla latte with extra sugar</item-description>
        <name>Ola Nordmann</name>
            <street-address>Storgata 23</street-address>
        <phoneNumber>Delivered to the doorstep</phoneNumber>
        <name>Ola Nordmann</name>
            <street-address>Storgata 23</street-address>
        <terms>Delivered to the doorstep</terms>
    <comment>Hip Coffee to the good citizens of Løkka</comment>


Residence is a way of linking separate data for the same residence


Name Type Required Description
address ResidenceAddress yes
matrikkel Matrikkel no
source String no
externalId String no


Name Type Required Description
unitNumber String no Bolignummer. Must be of format [UKHL]0000. E.g. H0304
houseNumber String no A house number with or without a house letter. E.g. 11 or 11A
streetName String no The name of the street. E.g. Storgata
postalCode String no
city String no


Name Type Required Description
kommunenummer String yes
gaardsnummer String yes
bruksnummer String yes
festenummer String no
seksjonsnummer String no


<residence xmlns="">


A request for a user to share one or more documents

Complemented by:



Name Type Required Description
maxShareDurationSeconds Long yes This is the maximum duration in which you are allowed to access the user's documents from they are shared with you
purpose String yes This text should explain why you need to process the recipient's documents in a short and understandable way.
allowedOriginOrganisationNumbers Set no Only documents received from any of the specified organisations will be possible for the user to share.


<share-documents-request xmlns="">
    <purpose>We require to see your latest pay slip in order to grant you a loan.</purpose>


Documents have been shared for ShareDocumentsRequest


Name Type Required Description
documentIds List no The IDs of the documents related to this specific event


<share-documents-request-documents-shared xmlns="">


Stop sharing of documents for ShareDocumentsRequest


Name Type Required Description


<share-documents-request-sharing-stopped xmlns=""/>


Details about a signed document


Name Type Required Description
documentIssuer String yes The original issuer of the document to be signed.
documentSubject String yes The original subject of the document to be signed.
signingTime ZonedDateTime yes When the recipient signed the document. ISO8601 full DateTime.


<signedDocument xmlns="">
    <document-issuer>Bedrift AS</document-issuer>