The pinnacle of declarative computation is to set it up in one place and run it in another. It allows for composability and for great separation of concerns. This is a standard funcitonal programming design pattern and you'll see it everywhere, including Phoenix and Ecto.
We'll learn it on example of Chaperon.
> LoadTestScenario.init(%Chaperon.Session{})
assigned: %{interval: 1000, rate: 15},
async_tasks: %{},
cancellation: nil,
config: %{},
cookies: [],
errors: %{},
id: nil,
interval_task: nil,
metrics: %{},
name: nil,
parent_id: nil,
parent_pid: nil,
results: %{},
scenario: nil,
timeout_at: nil
Chaperon.run_load_test LoadTest, output: "metrics", format: :json
x = %Chaperon.Action.HTTP{
body: "",
callback: nil,
decode: nil,
headers: %{"Accept" => "*/*", "User-Agent" => "chaperon"},
method: :get,
metrics_url: nil,
params: %{},
path: "/"
v(1).errors[x] |> length
iex --cookie dangerZone420 --name "[email protected]" -S mix
net_kernel:start(['[email protected]']).
net_adm:ping('[email protected]').