Releases: domaframework/doma
#322 Describe settings for IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2019.2.1
#321 Support domain mapping using ExternalDomain of Java Array
#314 Upgrade google-java-format to 1.7
#313 Upgrade spotless-plugin-gradle to 3.20.0
#312 Clarify support for Java 12
#311 Introduce wrapper classes dedicated to primitive types
#310 Upgrade JUnit to 5.4.0
#308 Implement toString methods to make debug easy
#307 Polish the org.seasar.doma.internal package
#306 Remove Japanese comments
#305 Register the option "doma.config.path" to suppress a warning message
#304 Simplify the DefaultPropertyType class
#303 Simplify generators
#301 Fix compile error in procedure and function methods
#300 Support bound type parameters in domain classes
#299 Migrate from JUnit 3 to JUnit 5
#298 Polish build script
#294 Support array types for bind and literal variable directives
#276 Support array types for loop directives
#286 Support automatic removal of unnecessary ORDER BY and GROUP BY clauses
#295 Polish messages
#284 Preserve the auto-commit state of a JDBC connection
#283 Run tests in each annotation processor instance
#296 #293 #292 #291 #290 #289 #288 #287 #285 #282 Polish documents
#267 Change the description of Doma
#266 Remove descriptions of Doma 3
#265 Polish annotation processing
#264 Improve build script example
#263 Translate resource bundle messages from Japanese into English
#262 Translate javadoc comments from Japanese into English
#261 Change the sphinx langulage option
#260 Translate development.rst
#259 Format with google-java-format 1.6
#258 Translate docs from Japanese into English
#257 Use Sphinx 1.8.2
#255 Support Gradle incremental annotation processing
#254 Specify supported Java versions
#253 Explain how to write gradle build script in Gradle 5.0
#252 Polish Gradle configuration
#251 Use Gradle 5.0
#248 Fix mistake in abbreviation for JRE
#247 Load a class with Class.forName when the context class loader fails to load the class
#245 Revise wrong descriptions about @Update.excludeNull, @BatchUpdate.include and @BatchUpdate.exclude