Thank you very much for your support to this project!
想了一下,就开了个项目。一路走来,跌跌撞撞也写了几个版本,也收到了不少网友的反馈,而且第一次拿到这么多 Star,在这里非常感谢各位的支持。
本来没想着要求打赏,但是目前阿里云国内下行流量平均一个月消耗 100GB,本人每月流量费用大概在 20 元左右,想着换 unpkg/jsdelivr 做 CDN,但是那个速度真的感人。
如果各位能支持一下,一块两块都已足够,就能维持阿里云 CDN 的流量费用,本人实在是感激不尽。
Initially, I designed this theme just for my personal use. However, as time went on, some readers stumbled upon my blog and inquired about the customizations I had made.
After giving it some thought, I decided to turn this into a project. Along the journey, I encountered a few bumps and went through several iterations. I also received valuable feedback from numerous users. And it's quite exhilarating to see it receiving such a high number of stars for the first time. I want to express my genuine appreciation for all the support you've shown.
At first, I hadn't really thought about asking for contributions. But at present, the average monthly data consumption on Aliyun in China is around 100GB. My monthly data costs are roughly 20 yuan. I considered switching to unpkg/jsdelivr for a CDN, but the speed there is a real letdown.
If any of you could provide a bit of support, even a small amount like one or two dollars, it would be enough to cover the CDN data costs on Aliyun. I would be incredibly thankful for your help.
A big thank you to all the friends who have sponsored this project. Your support is what keeps me motivated to keep refining and updating it!
微信 / WeChat | 支付宝 / Alipay | Paypal |
赞助完以后,请各位加我微信,在 evannotfound.com/contact 联系我添加 GitHub 账号和网站链接!
After making a donation, if you want to get in touch with me, please add me on Discord with my username evannotfound
Thank you!
按时间先后排序 / Sorted by chronological order
赞助时间 / Date | 赞助人 / Sponsor | 赞助金额 / Amount | 赞助方式 / Method | 网站 / Website |
Mar 4 | @username0occupied | ¥6.66 | 微信红包 | - |
Mar 4 | @jkoor | ¥15.00 | 微信红包 | https://jkor.site |
Mar 10 | **峰 | ¥20.14 | 支付宝 | - |
Mar 17 | Summer.南方 | ¥1.68 | 微信赞赏码 | - |
Mar 19 | 那个我依旧是从前的我😄 | ¥100.00 | 微信赞赏码 | - |
Mar 31 | @牧丰086 | ¥6.66 | 支付宝 | https://mufeng086.top |
Apr 11 | 飞呀菲呀 | ¥6.66 | 微信赞赏码 | - |
Apr 18 | 👺 | ¥6.66 | 微信赞赏码 | https://liohi.github.io |
Apr 19 | @yzsong06 | ¥3.00 | 微信赞赏码 | - |
Apr 23 | **博 | ¥10.00 | 支付宝 | - |
May 7 | JiaqiGemini | ¥14.99 | 微信赞赏码 | - |
May 12 | @Sevdawk | ¥8.88 | 微信赞赏码 | https://sevdawk.github.io |
May 13 | 好名字 | ¥6.66 | 微信赞赏码 | - |
May 24 | @HuTa0kj | ¥8.88 | 微信赞赏码 | https://huta0kj.github.io |
Jun 5 | **杰 | ¥6.00 | 支付宝 | - |
Jun 12 | Anonymous | ¥0.99 | 微信赞赏码 | - |
Jun 22 | @JuTemp | ¥15.00 | 支付宝 | https://jtp0415.top |
Jul 11 | 匿名 | ¥40.00 | 支付宝 | - |
Jul 13 | @825i | $20.00 | Paypal | https://blog.xtu.icu/ |
Jul 14 | 点点 | ¥8.88 | 微信赞赏码 | - |
Aug 1 | 风宇 | ¥14.99 | 微信赞赏码 | https://krazyu.com |
Aug 27 | 匿名 | ¥88.00 | 微信赞赏码 | - |
Sep 03 | Locam | ¥30.00 | 支付宝 | https://locam-cyj.github.io |
Sep 03 | 夜鹿 | ¥6.66 | 微信赞赏码 | - |
Sep 03 | **辉 | ¥6.66 | 支付宝 | - |
Sep 04 | 匿名 | ¥10.00 | 微信赞赏码 | - |
Sep 23 | 今日店休. | ¥6.66 | 微信赞赏码 | - |
Sep 29 | Ficon | ¥6.00 | 微信 | - |
Oct 05 | Ryou | ¥14.99 | 微信赞赏码 | - |
Oct 16 | 沈*昊 | ¥20.00 | 微信赞赏码 | - |
Oct 24 | Neptune. | ¥14.99 | 微信赞赏码 | - |
Nov 26 | **青 | ¥25.00 | 支付宝 | - |
Nov 27 | :-) | ¥16.66 | 微信 | - |