comments | difficulty | edit_url |
true |
Easy |
Given a sorted array of strings that is interspersed with empty strings, write a method to find the location of a given string.
Input: words = ["at", "", "", "", "ball", "", "", "car", "", "","dad", "", ""], s = "ta" Output: -1 Explanation: Return -1 ifs
is not inwords
Input: words = ["at", "", "", "", "ball", "", "", "car", "", "","dad", "", ""], s = "ball" Output: 4
1 <= words.length <= 1000000
We design a function
The implementation of the function
- If
$i > j$ , return$-1$ . - Otherwise, we take the middle position
$mid = (i + j) / 2$ , then recursively call$dfs(i, mid-1)$ . If the return value is not$-1$ , it means that the target string is found in the left half, return it directly. Otherwise, if$words[mid] = s$ , it means that the target string is found, return it directly. Otherwise, recursively call$dfs(mid+1, j)$ and return.
In the worst case, the time complexity is
class Solution:
def findString(self, words: List[str], s: str) -> int:
def dfs(i: int, j: int) -> int:
if i > j:
return -1
mid = (i + j) >> 1
l = dfs(i, mid - 1)
if l != -1:
return l
if words[mid] == s:
return mid
return dfs(mid + 1, j)
return dfs(0, len(words) - 1)
class Solution {
public int findString(String[] words, String s) {
return dfs(words, s, 0, words.length - 1);
private int dfs(String[] words, String s, int i, int j) {
if (i > j) {
return -1;
int mid = (i + j) >> 1;
int l = dfs(words, s, i, mid - 1);
if (l != -1) {
return l;
if (words[mid].equals(s)) {
return mid;
return dfs(words, s, mid + 1, j);
class Solution {
int findString(vector<string>& words, string s) {
function<int(int, int)> dfs = [&](int i, int j) {
if (i > j) {
return -1;
int mid = (i + j) >> 1;
int l = dfs(i, mid - 1);
if (l != -1) {
return l;
if (words[mid] == s) {
return mid;
return dfs(mid + 1, j);
return dfs(0, words.size() - 1);
func findString(words []string, s string) int {
var dfs func(i, j int) int
dfs = func(i, j int) int {
if i > j {
return -1
mid := (i + j) >> 1
if l := dfs(i, mid-1); l != -1 {
return l
if words[mid] == s {
return mid
return dfs(mid+1, j)
return dfs(0, len(words)-1)
function findString(words: string[], s: string): number {
const dfs = (i: number, j: number): number => {
if (i > j) {
return -1;
const mid = (i + j) >> 1;
const l = dfs(i, mid - 1);
if (l !== -1) {
return l;
if (words[mid] === s) {
return mid;
return dfs(mid + 1, j);
return dfs(0, words.length - 1);
class Solution {
func findString(_ words: [String], _ s: String) -> Int {
return dfs(words, s, 0, words.count - 1)
private func dfs(_ words: [String], _ s: String, _ i: Int, _ j: Int) -> Int {
if i > j {
return -1
let mid = (i + j) >> 1
let left = dfs(words, s, i, mid - 1)
if left != -1 {
return left
if words[mid] == s {
return mid
return dfs(words, s, mid + 1, j)