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true |
Medium |
You are given two integer arrays persons
and times
. In an election, the ith
vote was cast for persons[i]
at time times[i]
For each query at a time t
, find the person that was leading the election at time t
. Votes cast at time t
will count towards our query. In the case of a tie, the most recent vote (among tied candidates) wins.
Implement the TopVotedCandidate
TopVotedCandidate(int[] persons, int[] times)
Initializes the object with thepersons
andtimes q(int t)
Returns the number of the person that was leading the election at timet
according to the mentioned rules.
Example 1:
Input ["TopVotedCandidate", "q", "q", "q", "q", "q", "q"] [[[0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30]], [3], [12], [25], [15], [24], [8]] Output [null, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1] Explanation TopVotedCandidate topVotedCandidate = new TopVotedCandidate([0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30]); topVotedCandidate.q(3); // return 0, At time 3, the votes are [0], and 0 is leading. topVotedCandidate.q(12); // return 1, At time 12, the votes are [0,1,1], and 1 is leading. topVotedCandidate.q(25); // return 1, At time 25, the votes are [0,1,1,0,0,1], and 1 is leading (as ties go to the most recent vote.) topVotedCandidate.q(15); // return 0 topVotedCandidate.q(24); // return 0 topVotedCandidate.q(8); // return 1
1 <= persons.length <= 5000
times.length == persons.length
0 <= persons[i] < persons.length
0 <= times[i] <= 109
is sorted in a strictly increasing order.times[0] <= t <= 109
- At most
calls will be made toq
We can record the winner at each moment during initialization, and then use binary search to find the largest moment less than or equal to
During initialization, we use a counter
During the query, we use binary search to find the largest moment less than or equal to
In terms of time complexity, during initialization, we need
class TopVotedCandidate:
def __init__(self, persons: List[int], times: List[int]):
cnt = Counter()
self.times = times
self.wins = []
cur = 0
for p in persons:
cnt[p] += 1
if cnt[cur] <= cnt[p]:
cur = p
def q(self, t: int) -> int:
i = bisect_right(self.times, t) - 1
return self.wins[i]
# Your TopVotedCandidate object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = TopVotedCandidate(persons, times)
# param_1 = obj.q(t)
class TopVotedCandidate {
private int[] times;
private int[] wins;
public TopVotedCandidate(int[] persons, int[] times) {
int n = persons.length;
wins = new int[n];
this.times = times;
int[] cnt = new int[n];
int cur = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int p = persons[i];
if (cnt[cur] <= cnt[p]) {
cur = p;
wins[i] = cur;
public int q(int t) {
int i = Arrays.binarySearch(times, t + 1);
i = i < 0 ? -i - 2 : i - 1;
return wins[i];
* Your TopVotedCandidate object will be instantiated and called as such:
* TopVotedCandidate obj = new TopVotedCandidate(persons, times);
* int param_1 = obj.q(t);
class TopVotedCandidate {
TopVotedCandidate(vector<int>& persons, vector<int>& times) {
int n = persons.size();
this->times = times;
vector<int> cnt(n);
int cur = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int p = persons[i];
if (cnt[cur] <= cnt[p]) {
cur = p;
wins[i] = cur;
int q(int t) {
int i = upper_bound(times.begin(), times.end(), t) - times.begin() - 1;
return wins[i];
vector<int> times;
vector<int> wins;
* Your TopVotedCandidate object will be instantiated and called as such:
* TopVotedCandidate* obj = new TopVotedCandidate(persons, times);
* int param_1 = obj->q(t);
type TopVotedCandidate struct {
times []int
wins []int
func Constructor(persons []int, times []int) TopVotedCandidate {
n := len(persons)
wins := make([]int, n)
cnt := make([]int, n)
cur := 0
for i, p := range persons {
if cnt[cur] <= cnt[p] {
cur = p
wins[i] = cur
return TopVotedCandidate{times, wins}
func (this *TopVotedCandidate) Q(t int) int {
i := sort.SearchInts(this.times, t+1) - 1
return this.wins[i]
* Your TopVotedCandidate object will be instantiated and called as such:
* obj := Constructor(persons, times);
* param_1 := obj.Q(t);
class TopVotedCandidate {
private times: number[];
private wins: number[];
constructor(persons: number[], times: number[]) {
const n = persons.length;
this.times = times;
this.wins = new Array<number>(n).fill(0);
const cnt: Array<number> = new Array<number>(n).fill(0);
let cur = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
const p = persons[i];
if (cnt[cur] <= cnt[p]) {
cur = p;
this.wins[i] = cur;
q(t: number): number {
const search = (t: number): number => {
let l = 0,
r = this.times.length;
while (l < r) {
const mid = (l + r) >> 1;
if (this.times[mid] > t) {
r = mid;
} else {
l = mid + 1;
return l;
const i = search(t) - 1;
return this.wins[i];
* Your TopVotedCandidate object will be instantiated and called as such:
* var obj = new TopVotedCandidate(persons, times)
* var param_1 = obj.q(t)