This reference application is to demonstrate the usage of various Deepstream SDK elements in the video stream and analytics pipeline.
This app is composed of two stages:
Primary Object Detection (pgie)
For the simplicity, we use Resnet10 model for the object detection since Deepstream has trained model as sample. You can find related files under
This primary detector performs as 4 class detector (Vehicle , RoadSign, TwoWheeler, Person).
Secondary Classification for the detected objects. (sgie)
For the secondary classifier, we use Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks trained on ImageNet.
In this deepstream reference app, we use multiple instances of "nvinfer" element. Every
instance is configured through its respective configuration file.
We provide sample configuration files under senet/configs
config_infer_primary_resnet10.txt for the primary detector
config_infer_secondary_senet.txt for the secondary classifier
Note that you can use different networks for both primary and secondary gie if you have trained models.
In order to use SeNet-Deepstream Reference app,
Install Deepstream 3.0
Install Cuda 10.0
Install TensorRT 5.x
Install Opencv 4.x
Install GStreamer pre-requisites using:
$ sudo apt-get install libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev
Install Google flags using:
$ sudo apt-get install libgflags-dev
Run trt-senet app
We need to have SeNet TensorRT Engine file to run this application. Thus, you need to follow the instruction in trt-senet README Make sure you have .engine file and check the path where it is stored.
- Modify the provided configuration files under
model-file, proto-file, labelfile-path, int8-calib-file
need to be modified. For resnet10 example, all files are located inpath/to/Deeepstream/samples/models/Primary_Detector/resnet10
config_infer_secondary_senet.txt for the secondary classifier
needs to be modified. You should enter the path to TensorRT engine file we got by running trt-senet app.
- You can change some configurations in
as needed. This cpp file contains configuration variables such as path to configuration file for pgie, label files for pgie and sgie.
Run the following command to build/install the deepstream-senet-app using cmake and execute the app.
$ cd apps/deepstream-senet $ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake -D DS_SDK_ROOT=/opt/DeepStream_Release -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. $ make $ make && sudo make install $ cd ../../../ $ deepstream-senet-app <Platform> <h264_elementary_stream> <path_to_secondary_classifier_configuration_file>