EF Core 8.0.3
EF Core 8.0.3 is available on NuGet now. This is a patch release of EF Core 8 (EF8) containing only important bug fixes:
- Constructor calls when using inheritance with owned entities causes exceptions
- Missing package README file
- String properties with indexes are compared case insensitively on SQL Server
- Using SqliteConnection from an ASP.NET MVC (.NET Framework) application results in a few different exceptions
- Exception when using FromSql on entity with ComplexProperty
- IndexOutOfRange for EntityEntry.GetDatabaseValues() with complex type and TPH
- SQL Server Migrations - SqlOperation.Sql is stripped of all empty lines
- NullReferenceException in Get-Migration in EF Core 8
- Owned entity on genericly typed entity generates unwanted steps in new migrations
- Dotnet-ef mismatch causes apply Entity Framework migration fails when publishing an individual web app.
- Query never returns when DB value for column mapped to primitive collection is