Releases: dotnetcore/CAP
Releases · dotnetcore/CAP
Breaking Changes
method to asynchronous.IConsumerClient
is from event to delegate.
- Performance improvement
- Add support publish delay message. (#1237)
- Dashbord support viewing and immediately publish for delayed messages.
- Add support for metrics diagnostics. (#1230)
- Dashboard support real-time metric graph viewing.
- Add support manual start/stop CAP process. (#1238)
- Add EnableConsumerPrefetch option of consumer. (#1240)
- Add PublishConfirms options for RabbitMQ.
- Change framework target from netstandard to net6.
- Upgrade NuGet to the latest version.
Bug Fixed
- RabbitMQ cluster connection failed without using default ports. (#1232)
Release Blog(In Chinese)
Bug Fixed
- Fixed EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine only supported on windows. (#1220) Thanks @cuibty
- Fixed RedisStream TryGetOrCreateStreamGroupAsync to create ConsumerGroup when not found. (#1212) Thanks @mlatoszek
- Add Chinese support for dashboard localization. (#1157) Thanks @tetris1128
- Make DbTransaction property virtual for extend of CapTransactionBase. (#1179) @yang-xiaodong
- Add logs for duplicate subscriber in same group. (#1186) @yang-xiaodong
- Record the Instance Id in the executed received messages. (#1187) @yang-xiaodong
Bug Fixed:
- SnowflakeId excludes virtual and loopback and non-working NICs. (#1163) Thanks @xiatiandegaga
- Fixed the health check could not get the status correctly when RabbitMQ lost connection and quickly recovered. (#1193) Thanks @rpenha
- Fixed dashboard gateway proxy request missing QueryString (#1168) Thanks @wwwu
- Fixed the disconnect detection of RabbitMQ connection abnormality. (#1178)
- Fixed Mongo queries not returning results when a element convention name is registered. (#1193) Thanks @rpenha
- Fixed subscriber lookup in scoped lifecycle of factory mode. (#1204) Thanks @sampsonye
- Optimize snowflake algorithm. (#1065) Thanks @Allen-dududu
- Add authorization policy option feature to CAP dashboard. (#1113) Thanks @albertopm19
- Added support of ScheduledEnqueueTimeUtc for AzureServiceBus transport. (#1137) Thanks @webinex
- Add option to configure failed messages expiration term. (#1142) Thanks @dima-zhemkov
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed sequence validation error when both enable Challenge and Auth of dashboard authentication. (#1097)
- Used concurrentdictionary since PublishedMessages and ReceivedMessages are public and accessed from various places. (#1104) Thanks @wakiter
- Fixed the health check could not get the status correctly when RabbitMQ lost connection and quickly recovered. (#1140)
- Fixed date file format bug when retrying query from database. (#1143)
- Change reading/creating streams and consumer groups to handle non idempotent operations. (#1150) Thanks @MahmoudSamir101
- Fully support .NET 6.
- Add support for OpenTelemetry. (#885)
- Improve support for NATS JetStream wildcard topic. (#1047)
- Add support customer header for Azure Service Bus. (#1063) Thanks @Mateus Viegas
- Upgrade NATS client to support message headers. (#960)
- Added ability to create topic if it is not found in the topics cache for AWS transport. (#962)
- Add support to customize the interval of cleaning messages for collector. (#973)
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed rabbitmq consumer reconnection warnings bug. (#966)