qeytaks is a keyword editor for photos. qeytaks lets you edit IPTC keywords and set XMP label.
I wrote qeytaks for my own usage as it nicely fits with my photo workflow and integrates well with usage of photofs.
qeytaks is licensed under GPLv3
qeytaks uses setuptools. To install qeytaks run the following command
$ sudo python setup.py install
$ python qeytaks.py [list-of-paths-to-photos]
To enable context right-click menu that invokes qeytaks do the following:
- check what is your service path in KDE:
$ kde4-config --path services
- create ServiceMenus folder if it does not exist:
$ mkdir -p ~/.kde4/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus
- put a file called "qeytaks.desktop" in that folder:
$ vi ~/.kde4/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/qeytaks.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
[Desktop Action qeytaks]
Exec=/usr/bin/qeytaks %U
Name=Edit photo tags
GExiv2 library version 0.6.0 or newer with enabled introspection (Gentoo ebuild =media-libs/gexiv2-0.6.0 with USE flag "introspection")
exiv2 library with XMP support (Gentoo ebuild media-gfx/exiv2 with USE flag "xmp")
pygobject (Gentoo ebuild dev-python/pygobject)
PyQt4 (Gentoo ebuild dev-python/PyQt4)
If not available in your distribution, GExiv2 can be downloaded from: http://redmine.yorba.org/projects/gexiv2/wiki