workloads run using GitHub self-hosted runners
and ZONE
are set in the repo's secrets
- Create a GCE instance for running tests
- VM should be at least n1-standard-4 with 50GB persistent disk
- VM should use custom service account with only permissions to push images to GCR
- SSH into new VM through Google Cloud Console
- Follow the instructions to add a new runner on the Actions Settings page to authenticate the new runner
- Set GitHub Actions as a background service
sudo ~/actions-runner/ install ; sudo ~/actions-runner/ start
- Run the following command to install dependencies
wget -O - | bash
- commits pushed to master
- PRs to master
- PRs to release/ branches
- runs java and python linters
- runs java unit tests
- runs python unit tests
- ensures kind cluster is running
- builds all containers in src/
- deploys local containers to kind
- ensures all pods reach ready state
- ensures HTTP request to frontend returns HTTP status 200
- deploys manifests from /releases
- ensures all pods reach ready state
- ensures HTTP request to frontend returns HTTP status 200
- commits pushed to master
- builds and pushes containers to
- tagged with git commit hash and
- tagged with git commit hash and