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272 lines (184 loc) · 10.1 KB

0.1.2 (unreleased)


New Features

  • Added new algorithm, based on the assumption that objects within a photometric catalogue were fit with PSF photometry in the sky background dominated regime, where noise is constant, extending Plewa & Sari (2018, MNRAS, 476, 4372). This can then be combined with the original aperture photometry/photon-noise dominated case from Wilson & Naylor (2018, MNRAS, 481, 2148) using signal-to-noise ratio as a measure of the weight to apply to each algorithm. [#50]
  • Added fit_astrometry and AstrometricCorrections to allow for fitting well-understood datasets against one another to account for systematic astrometric uncertainties not present in the photometric catalogues as given. [#50]
  • Added derive_psf_auf_params and FitPSFPerturbations to calculate the parameters necessary to fit for the PSF photometry, sky background-dominated algorithm for perturbation due to unresolved contaminant objects. [#50]
  • csv_to_npy now has the option to pre-process astrometric uncertainties based on AstrometricCorrections outputs. [#50]
  • npy_to_csv now has the option to include within the final output .csv tables made from cross-match results the pre-processed, updated astrometric uncertainties that result from AstrometricCorrections. [#50]
  • Added MPI parallelisation and checkpointing. [#49]
  • Added option to disable use of memory-mapped files for internal arrays. Reduces I/O operations at the cost of increased memory consuption. [#49]
  • Inclusion of galaxy count model, used in the generation of perturbation AUF components. [#41, #44]
  • Creation of initial Galactic proper motion model, for inclusion within the cross-match framework in a future release. [#39]
  • Added additional data outputs to counterpart_pairing: match separations, as well as the nearest neighbour non-match for each source within a given island, and its eta/xi and average contamination derived values. [#37]
  • Added functionality to convert .csv files to internal files used in the matching process, and create output .csv files from the resulting merged datasets created as a result of the matching. [#34]
  • Added option to include the full perturbation AUF component, based on simulated Galactic source modelling. [#27]
  • Added options to photometric routines to create full photometry-based likelihood and prior, or just use the photometric prior and use the naive equal-probability likelihood. [#25]

Bug Fixes

  • Replaced datetime.strptime in the CrossMatch constructor with a string split to fix a crash when given walltime is greater than 24:00:00. [#52]
  • Updated fit_gal_flag keyword as passed through to make_perturb_aufs incorrectly using self.a_fit_gal_flag when running catalogue "b" AUF component generation. [#50]
  • Corrected issue where local_N wasn't having entries saved to memmapped array in make_perturb_auf. [#38]
  • Updated local_N to keep the local densities of catalogue in each filter, instead of overwriting each time. [#38]
  • Set minimum density of local sources to one source in the region in question, instead of allowing for a floor of zero density, to avoid issues with AUF simulations. [#38]
  • Avoided re-using the same random seed in each density-magnitude combination during AUF simulations. [#38]
  • Changed limits on photometric likelihoods and priors to avoid cases where both field and counterpart posteriors are zero, and hence no matches can be made in a given island. [#38]
  • Fixed issue in source_pairing where incorrect island lengths could be used for field and counterpart arrays. [#38]
  • Fixed ordering issue with acontamprob and bcontamprob in source_pairing. [#38]
  • Fix to issue with np.where test in test_counterpart_pairing causing incorrect failure to match probabilities. [#36]
  • Fixes to various minor typos in variables in the cross-match workflow. [#32]
  • Allow for the non-existence of a TRILEGAL simulation in any folder, and download new files even if tri_download_flag was set to False. [#32]
  • Save local normalising densities to file if compute_local_density was set to True, to allow for its non-calculation in the future. [#32]
  • Overload compute_local_density if it is set to False and the file storing local densities does not exist. [#32]
  • create_single_perturb_auf corrected to run on a single filter, as its input intended, instead of looping through all filters. [#32]
  • Removed final right-hand bin from consideration when identifying which magnitude bin each source should be assigned to in create_c_and_f, to avoid an issue where sources of exactly the last bin are assigned outside the allowed range of indices. [#32]
  • Fixed inefficiencies in both group sources and perturbation AUF creation runtime, significantly improving the speed of those parts of a cross-match. [#31]
  • Corrected an error in tests.generate_random_data, where only one catalogue had its source uncertainties simulated. [#23]

API Changes

  • Added run_fw_auf, run_psf_auf, mag_h_params_path, tri_maglim_bright, tri_maglim_faint, tri_num_bright, and tri_num_faint as required input parameters to CrossMatch if include_perturb_auf is True. [#50]
  • Added tri_maglim_bright, tri_maglim_faint, tri_num_bright, tri_num_faint, run_fw, run_psf, dd_params, l_cut, and mag_h_params as optional inputs to make_perturb_aufs. [#50]
  • Added dd_params_path and l_cut_path as required input parameters if include_perturb_auf and run_psf_auf are both True. [#50]
  • Removed dm_max as an input to CrossMatch, now being calculated based on secondary perturber flux vs primary noise and chance of zero perturbers in _calculate_magnitude_offsets. Also removed as input to make_perturb_aufs. [#50]
  • csv_to_npy has process_uncerts, astro_sig_fits_filepath, and cat_in_radec as optional input parameters. [#50]
  • npy_to_csv added input_npy_folders as an input parameter. [#50]
  • Removed joint_file_path, cat_a_file_path and cat_b_file_path from CrossMatch constructor and added chunks_folder_path, use_memmap_files, resume_file_path, walltime, end_within, and polling_rate. [#49]
  • Added use_memmap_files as input parameter to relevant functions. [#49]
  • Added StageData class to misc_functions. [#49]
  • Added npool as input parameter to make_island_groupings. [#38]
  • Removed npool as input parameter to source_pairing. [#38]
  • Added extra columns derived in counterpart_pairing to output datafiles in npy_to_csv. [#37]
  • npy_to_csv now has extra_col_name_lists, allowing for the inclusion of extra columns from the original catalogue .csv file to be passed through to the output merged datafiles. [#37]
  • Moved several functions (_load_single_sky_slice, _load_rectangular_slice, _lon_cut, _lat_cut) out of individual Python scripts into misc_functions to generalise their use in the codebase. [#27]
  • Removed norm_scale_laws as an input to catalogue configuration files. [#27]
  • Added dens_mags, num_trials, dm_max, d_mag, and compute_local_density as inputs to the joint and catalogue-specific configuration files [#27]
  • Added int_fracs as an input to the joint configuration file for a cross-match. [#25]

Other Changes

  • Updated documentation to reflect previous improvements to codebase, and add further introductory and explanatory material. [#54]
  • Changed _make_chunk_queue to return a queue ordered by file size in bytes and improve load balancing in MPI parallelised jobs. [#52]
  • Added matplotlib as a dependency, and explictly defined pytest-cov as a test dependency. [#50]
  • Added mpi4py as a dependency [#49]
  • Added skypy and speclite as dependencies. [#41]
  • Improved github actions matrix testing coverage. [#40]
  • Added pandas as a dependency. [#34]
  • Updates to documentation to reflect the relaxing of photometric likelihood and perturbation AUF component options. Other minor changes to documentation layout. [#30]
  • GitHub Actions will only run remote data dependent tests (those marked with pytest.mark.remote_data) on a pull request merge. [#27]
  • Added astropy as a dependency. [#27]

0.1.1 (2021-01-06)


  • Preliminary creation of user documentation. [#22]
  • Established changelog [#8]

New Features

  • Created generate_random_data, to create simulated catalogues for testing full end-to-end matches. [#20]
  • Implemented computation of match probabilities for islands of sources, and secondary parameters such as flux contamination likelihood. [#19]
  • Added naive Bayes priors based on the relative local densities of the two catalogues. [#18]
  • Functionality added to create "island" groupings of sources across the two catalogues. [#16]
  • Creation of the perturbation aspect of the AUF, in the limit that it is unused (i.e., the AUF is assumed to be Gaussian). [#12]

Bug Fixes

  • Correct typing of point_ind in misc_function_fortran's find_nearest_point. [#18]
  • Fix mistake in haversine formula in perturbation_auf_fortran. [#15]

API Changes

  • Moved delta_mag_cut from make_perturb_aufs to an input variable, defined in create_perturb_auf. [#19]
  • Moved find_nearest_auf_point from being specific to perturbation_auf, now located in misc_functions_fortran as find_nearest_point. [#18]
  • Update run_star to run_source, avoiding any specific match implication. [#16]
  • Require psf_fwhms regardless of whether include_perturb_auf is yes or not. [#9, #10]
  • Preliminary API established, with parameters ingested from several input files. [#7]

Other Changes

  • Added sphinx-fortran as a dependency. [#22]
  • Added pytest-astropy as a dependency. [#17]
  • Added scipy as a dependency. [#16]