User group events are a great way for individuals in the tech community to come together and share their knowledge and expertise. In this document, we will outline the process for preparing and announcing a user group event. The events may include technical presentations, round table discussions, and hands-on workshops. While the format of the events may differ, the process for organizing and announcing them is generally the same.
The first step is to identify a presenter who is willing to speak at the event. The presenter should be committed to speaking on the second Monday or Tuesday of the month, and arrive early at 6:15 pm, as the event starts at 6:30 pm. Once the presenter is identified, check with the venue to book their space. Once the dates are confirmed, ask the presenter to draft a title and short description of their talk.
The next step is to write a blog announcement about the event. The announcement should include the date and time of the event, a brief description of the event, a short bio of the presenter, details about what the attendees need to do to prepare for the event, information about the venue including location, information about the sponsor, information about how to watch the online stream, a link to RSVP, and an image for the event.
Using the information from the blog announcement, create an Eventbrite post, a Facebook Event post, and a post. In addition, schedule a batch of tweets to be sent out leading up to the event. Schedule the Zoom event using the information from the blog announcement. When setting up the Eventbrite event, make sure to include email reminders containing the Zoom link. Use Eventbrite to send out an announcement email to those who have RSVP'd.
On the Thursday before the event, check in with the presenter to confirm that they are still able to present and that they are prepared. This is also a good time to go over any last-minute details and answer any questions they may have.
Organizing and announcing a user group event involves several steps, including identifying a presenter, writing a blog announcement, creating Eventbrite, Facebook, and MeetUp posts, scheduling the Zoom event, and checking in with the presenter before the event. By following these steps, you can ensure that your user group event is a success and that attendees have all the information they need to participate.