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Dune-functions changes

Any version of dune-functions is supposed to be compatible with the corresponding version of the Dune core modules.

Master (will become release 2.10)

  • Added a constructor for LocalViewWrapper from a LocalView object and added accessor to base class for python bindings.
  • The headers common/callable.hh and common/functionfromcallable.hh providing adaptors the the removed VirtualFunction interface from dune-common have been removed.
  • The class HierarchicalVectorWrapper and the corresponding header functionspacebases/hierarchicvectorwrapper.hh have been deprecated. Use istlVectorBackend() from backends/istlvectorbackend.hh instead.
  • The class SizeInfo and the corresponding header functionspacebases/sizeinfo.hh have been deprecated. One now can directly use vectorBackend.resize(globalBasis) instead of vectorBackend.resize(sizeInfo(globalBasis)).
  • The deprecated header common/treedata.hh was removed.
  • The deprecated header common/referencehelper.hh was removed. Use the corresponding header from dune-common instead.
  • Make AnalyticGridViewFunction copyable
  • The method operator() of the class DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction has been implemented. It evaluates a piecewise function on a grid at a point given in global coordinates. As this evaluation requires finding the element that the evaluation point is in, it can be very slow.
  • Reimplement HasStaticSize in terms by checking Hybrid::size()
  • Add utility StaticSizeOrZero that defaults to the integral_constant<size_t,0> in case the container does only have dynamic size.
  • Add global coordinate evaluation for CompositeGridFunction

Release 2.9

  • The MultiIndex used by DefaultGlobalBasis is now a StaticMultiIndex if it's size is known at compile time. Otherwise its a ReservedVector.
  • The template class StaticMultiIndex for a statically sized multiindex was added. This essentially adds operator<< to std::array for writing to a stream and a cast to the first entry for size()==0. FlatMultiIndex<T> is now an alias for StaticMultiIndex<T,1>.
  • The template class OverflowArray was added. It mostly behaves like Dune::ReservedVector but derives from a statically sized array base class. This allows to have temporary dynamic size but cast to the result to the statically sized base class.
  • The new FaceNormalGridFunction implements the unit outer normal of the closest face within an element as a grid function.
  • SubspaceBases will no longer be nested. Instead, SubspaceBasis(SubspaceBases(rootBasis,innerTP),outerTP) is resolved to a SubspaceBases(rootBasis, tp) where the tree path tp is obainted by joining innerTP and outerTP. This is implemented for the helper function subspaceBasis() and the newly added class template argument deduction guides.
  • The way multi index types are generated for global bases has been refactored. This changes nothing for the user but gives more freedom in the construction of global bases. But it is a breaking change for the PreBasis and PreBasisFactory interface. If you maintain your own prebasis implementions, they have to be adapted. The necessary modifications are documented in detail here:
  • Support for PreBasis implementations not providing PreBasis::indices() has been removed.
  • The added ComposedGridFunction implements the composition of a lambda function with one or several grid functions while itself providing the grid function interface.
  • The new utility resolveRef(t) allows to seamlessly work with std::reference_wrapper by returning either t.get() or t depending on whether t is a std::reference_wrapper or not.
  • The header treedata.hh and the class TreeData are deprecated. Please use TreeContainer from dune-typetree instead.
  • Function derivative() of LocalAnalyticGridFunction returns a bound local-function if the underlying value-local-function was bound before, i.e., the bound-to element and geometry are passed to the derivative local-function.
  • The concepts for LocalFunction and LocalView were extended with a bound() member function. It tells whether the object was already bound with a call to the bind() method or not. Implementations of the two concepts outside dune-functions will have to implement this additional method.
  • The derivative of a DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction is now implemented.

Release 2.8

  • PreBasis implementations are now required to provide a method PreBasis::indices(node,iterator) that replaces binding a NodeIndexSet to node and then calling NodeIndexSet::indices(iterator). As a consequence PreBasis::IndexSet and PreBasis::makeIndexSet are no longer needed.

  • The RaviartThomasBasis and BrezziDouglasMariniBasis now return Piola-transformed shape functions. This is implemented by changing the return value of tree().finiteElement(): It is not an object of type RaviartThomasLocalFiniteElement or BrezziDouglasMariniLocalFiniteElement anymore. Rather, it is an object of a new type GlobalValuedLocalFiniteElement, which wraps other LocalFiniteElement implementations and applies a range-space transformation. Domain-space transformations still have to be done by the calling code. The GlobalValuedLocalFiniteElement still implements the LocalFiniteElement interface of dune-localfunctions.

  • The RaviartThomasBasis class now supports tetrahedral grids for order=0, quadrilateral grids for order=2, and hexahedral grids for order=1.

  • The RannacherTurekBasis class now supports Crouzeix-Raviart elements. Grids containing simplices, cubes or both in 2d and 3d are supported now.

  • The dune-functions module now contains an implementation of a Nedelec basis (for problems posed in H(curl)). While the interface caters to different basis orders, grid dimensions and element types, only the first-order basis called "of the first kind" is implemented, and only for grids containing simplices, cubes or both in 2d and 3d.

  • The dune-functions module now contains an implementation of a Hierarchical Lagrange basis for second order on simplex grids

  • There is now an experimental implementation of a periodic basis in form of a class PeriodicBasis. It is a meta basis, i.e., a basis that is parametrized with another basis (the host basis). In a PeriodicBasis, global degrees of freedom of the host basis can be grouped into equivalence classes, which are then treated as single global degrees of freedom. This allows, in particular, to implement periodic boundary conditions for discretizations without intersection integrals.

    The PeriodicBasis class can only be constructed by using the periodic method from the namespace Dune::Functions::BasisFactory::Experimental. It can change at any moment without much advance notice. Use it at your own risk, and give us feedback!

  • Imported the Python bindings from the 2.7 branch of dune-python and fixed remaining issues. Added a CI test that builds various global bases in 2d and 3d and verifies the correct number of dofs.

  • interpolate is now capable of interpolating vector-valued finite element functions correctly. The method of using scalar basis functions combined with vector-valued coefficients to mock a power basis is still supported.

Release 2.7

  • The LagrangeBasis is extended by a template parameter to set the range type of the underlying LocalBasis. This parameter is also added to the basis factory. One can write lagrange<k, float>() to create a lagrange basis with compile-time order k and range type float. The range type defaults to double if nothing is given. The run-time order lagrange functions can be created by lagrange<float>(k), correspondingly.
  • The LagrangeBasis class can now be used with a run-time polynomial order. For this, the template parameter setting the order now has a default value of -1. If this default value is used, the class accepts an integer constructor argument with a run-time order. As the decision whether to use a compile-time or run-time order is taken at compile-time there should be no efficiency decrease for the compile-time-order case. (Note: The implementation currently uses the LagrangeFiniteElement implementation of dune-localfunctions, which violates strict-aliasing rules. This may lead to surprising crashes and miscalculations when compiling with optimization.)

Release 2.6

  • The functionality provided by LocalIndexSet, namely the indices method and the MultiIndex typedef, have been merged into LocalView. The global multi-indices are now precomputed and cached when binding the LocalView. LocalIndexSet as well as the localIndexSet() method of global bases have been deprecated.
  • When using DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction and interpolate the function range is accessed hierarchically. I.e. a leaf node with tree path i0,...,in is mapped to the range entry r[i0]...[in].
  • If the vector passed to DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction or interpolate() does not provide the VectorBackend interface, it is automatically wrapped using istlVectorBackend(vector).
  • The new method istlVectorBackend(vector) creates a VectorBackend suitable for being used as coefficient vector for interpolate() and DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction. The underlying vector can be a nested vector composed by stl and dune random access containers. Notice that the only scalar coefficients per basis function are supported.
  • The algorithm forEachBoundaryDOF() was added in a new header boundarydofs.hh. It allows to iterate over all DOFs of a given global basis associated to sub-entities located at the boundary of the domain.
  • The class SubEntityDOFs<GridView> was added along with some subEnitityDOFs helper functions for creation in the new header subentitydofs.hh. After binding an object of this class to a local view and a sub-entity it can be used a range of local indices of DOFs associated to sub-sub-entities of this sub-entity.
  • FlatVectorBackend is now officially an implementation detail and thus moved to the namespace Impl::. The header flatvectorbackend.hh was removed. As a replacement the new free function flatVectorView(c) create a view object providing operator[] and size() methods for flat-vector-like access to the underlying container c.
  • The BasisBuilder namespace has been renamed to BasisFactory. The old name still exists and should work as before, but its use is discouraged.
  • Added an implementation of a Rannacher-Turek basis
  • Add a set of unit tests for bases
  • Extend the documentation of these bases
  • Remove DiscreteScalarGlobalBasisFunction. This was replaced by DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction.
  • Introduce interface method NodeIndexSet::indices(it) that must write all global indices for the bound tree into the container pointed to by the iterator it
  • Remove NodeIndexSet::index(i) for computation of individual global indices.
  • DefaultLocalIndexSet::bind(...) now computes and caches all global indices while DefaultLocalIndexSet::index(...) is just a cheap lookup in the cache.
  • Dune::Functions::Optional was removed. Please use Dune::Std::optional instead.
  • Dune-functions now requires at least GCC 5 and uses C++14. As a consequence Debian 8 is no longer supported and tested.
  • An implementation of a global Raviart-Thomas basis provided by Jakub Both was merged. This is still incomplete and considered experimental.
  • An implementation of a global Brezzi-Douglas-Marini-Basis was added. Thanks to Jakub Both for the code.
  • Dune::Functions::TupleVector was deprecated. Use Dune::TupleVector from dune-common instead.

Release 2.5