duurval [at] gmail.com | Site | Github | Portfólio | Medium
Hello, I am Durval. Welcome. I'm 27, I live in São Paulo - SP and currently work as a Front End Developer at Renault. I am always in search of knowledge, collaboration on the web community and new challenges.
- HTML5 / CSS3 / JavaScript
- Sass / Coffee /NodeJS
- Git / Grunt / Gulp
- Wordpress / Magento / Open Cart
- SEO / Schema / OOCSS / RWD
- React / Angular / Vue
- Oracle SQL / Mysql / SQL Server / Linux / MS Win Server
- PHP / Java
- Hyper-V Server / NAS / DNS / TCP/IP / FTP / SAMBA / NFS
- MercadoLivre Experience 2016
- Android Dev Conf 2016, 2017
- Front In Sampa 2017
- PHP Experience 2018
Front End Developer Renault, São Paulo, SP -
2018 (Current)
Front End Developer Infracommerce, São Paulo, SP -
2016 - 2018
Development of e-commerces, such as catalog, checkout, client area, admin etc. Maintenance of stores in production. Active acting on improvements to the platform and in the teams -
Front End Developer Agência Riot, São Paulo, SP -
Acting during the Creation of the American Express Brazil portal -
Developer I.T at Max2 Digital, São Paulo, SP -
2014 - 2016
Creation of institutional websites, websites for promotional campaigns, APis of integration with CRM, development of advertising pieces of email marketing. -
Front End Developer at Mkt Virtual, Santos, SP -
Creation of institutional websites, sites for promotional campaigns. -
Front End Developer at Neo Markets, São Paulo, SP -
Creation of institutional websites, sites for promotional campaigns. -
Developer I.T at Darmo Publicidade, Santos, SP -
2011 - 2013
Creation of institutional websites, sites for promotional campaigns.