Improved protection for modded servers. Currently supports WorldGuard and GriefPreventionPlus, but other protection plugins can be easily added!
All DeVcoFTB's 1.7 modpacks run this plugin. Join us at !
All builds for my plugins can be found at this link:
###Installation Just drop the jar to plugins folder.
###How to configure it "/fres" is the main command. There are 4 lists: whitelist, containers, ranged and aoe:
- Whitelist: all items in this list are whitelisted, so they won't be blocked
- Containers: even if there's a container autodetection, some block may not be considered containers (thaumcraft?). Add them to this list so they'll be considered containers.
- Ranged: items in this list are ranged items. Like a bow. They can shoot far away, all items in this list will check the target block.
- AoE: there are items that produces effect in the area around the player, like the Horn of the Wild. Items in this list will check permissions in the area around the player.
Command usage: /fres (whitelist/containers/ranged/aoe) (add/remove/list) (ItemID/ItemName/Hand) (range) (world)
###Major features
- Reduces griefing with a lot of modded items.
- Temporary item confiscation
- Supports WorldGuard and GriefPreventionPlus
- ID independent: you can transfer the config file through different modpacks!
##Support my life! I'm currently unemployed and I'm studying at University (Computer Science). I'll be unable to continue my studies soon because I need money. If you like this plugin and you run it fine on your server, please consider a donation! Thank you very much!