Fork of jotyGill/quickz-sh with my personal settings.
Installs the following:
- powerlevel10k theme (
- Nerd-Fonts (
- zsh-completions (
- zsh-autosuggestions (
- zsh-syntax-highlighting (
- history-substring-search (
- fzf (
- k (
- marker (
- todotxt (
- nanorc syntax highlighting (
Sets following useful aliases:
- l="ls -lah" - just type "l" instead of "ls -lah"
- alias k="k -h" - show human readable filesizes, in kb, mb etc
- x="exit"
- https - make httpie use https
- myip - (wget -qO- - what's my ip: quickly find out external IP
- cheat - ( - cheatsheets in the terminal!
- speedtest - (curl -s | python3 -) run speedtest on the fly
- dadjoke - (curl - terminally sick jokes
- dict - (curl "dict://$1 $2 $3") - dictionary definitions
- ipgeo - (curl "$1") - finds geo location from IP
to clone it.python3
is required to run option '-c' which copies history from .bash_history
git clone
cd quickstart
./ -c # only run with '-c' the first time, running multiple times will duplicate history entries
If you are already using zsh, your zsh config will be backed up to .zshrc-backup-date
If the text/icons look broken, make sure your terminal is using one of the Nerd fonts. discussion.
marker's shortcut "Ctr+t" clashed with fzf so I rebound it to "Ctr +b"
All oh-my-zsh plugins are installed under ~/.oh-my-zsh, Other tools (fzf,marker,todo) are installed in ~/.quickzsh