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RTree Spatial Indexes


The RTree Spatial Indexes extension provides a means to encode an RTree index for geometry values in a GeoPackage. An RTree index provides a significant performance advantage for searches with basic envelope spatial criteria that return subsets of the rows in a feature table with a non-trivial number (thousands or more) of rows.[K26]

Extension Author

GeoPackage SWG, author_name gpkg.

Extension Name or Template


Extension Type

New Requirement dependent on clauses [gpb_format] and [extension_geometry_encoding].


This extension applies to any column specified in the gpkg_geometry_columns table.


Write-only, because it does not change the result of reads, although it may improve their performance.


This extension uses the rtree implementation provided by the SQLite R*Tree Module extension documented at

Requirement 75

The "gpkg_rtree_index" extension name SHALL be used as a gpkg_extensions table extension_name column value to specify implementation of spatial indexes on a geometry column.

Requirement 76

A GeoPackage that implements spatial indexes SHALL have a gpkg_extensions table that contains a row for each spatially indexed column with extension_name "gpkg_rtree_index", the table_name of the table with a spatially indexed column, the column_name of the spatially indexed column, and a scope of "write-only".

Requirement 77

A GeoPackage SHALL implement spatial indexes on feature table geometry columns using the SQLite Virtual Table RTrees and triggers specified below. The tables below contain SQL templates with variables. Replace the following template variables with the specified values to create the required SQL statements:
<t>: The name of the feature table containing the geometry column
<c>: The name of the geometry column in <t> that is being indexed
<i>: The name of the integer primary key column in <t> as specified in [r29]

Create Virtual Table

RTree spatial indexes on geometry columns SHALL be created using the SQLite Virtual Table RTree extension. An application that creates a spatial index SHALL create it using the following SQL statement template:

CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE rtree_<t>_<c> USING rtree(id, minx, maxx, miny, maxy)

where <t> and <c> are replaced with the names of the feature table and geometry column being indexed. The rtree function id parameter becomes the virtual table 64-bit signed integer primary key id column, and the min/max x/y parameters are min- and max-value pairs (stored as 32-bit floating point numbers) for each dimension that become the virtual table data columns that are populated to create the spatial rtree index.

Load Spatial Index Values

The indexes provided by the SQLite Virtual Table RTree extension are not automatic indexes. This means the index data structure needs to be manually populated, updated and queried. Each newly created spatial index SHALL be populated using the following SQL statement

  SELECT <i>, ST_MinX(<c>), ST_MaxX(<c>), ST_MinY(<c>), ST_MaxY(<c>) FROM <t> WHERE <c> NOT NULL AND NOT ST_IsEmpty(<c>);

where <t> and <c> are replaced with the names of the feature table and geometry column being indexed and <i> is replaced with the name of the feature table integer primary key column.

Define Triggers to Maintain Spatial Index Values

For each spatial index in a GeoPackage, corresponding insert, update and delete triggers that update the spatial index SHALL be present on the indexed geometry column. These spatial index triggers SHALL be defined as follows:

/* Conditions: Insertion of non-empty geometry
   Actions   : Insert record into rtree */
CREATE TRIGGER rtree_<t>_<c>_insert AFTER INSERT ON <t>
  WHEN (new.<c> NOT NULL AND NOT ST_IsEmpty(NEW.<c>))
    ST_MinX(NEW.<c>), ST_MaxX(NEW.<c>),
    ST_MinY(NEW.<c>), ST_MaxY(NEW.<c>)

/* Conditions: Update of geometry column to non-empty geometry
               No row ID change
   Actions   : Update record in rtree */
CREATE TRIGGER rtree_<t>_<c>_update1 AFTER UPDATE OF <c> ON <t>
  WHEN OLD.<i> = NEW.<i> AND
       (NEW.<c> NOTNULL AND NOT ST_IsEmpty(NEW.<c>))
    ST_MinX(NEW.<c>), ST_MaxX(NEW.<c>),
    ST_MinY(NEW.<c>), ST_MaxY(NEW.<c>)

/* Conditions: Update of geometry column to empty geometry
               No row ID change
   Actions   : Remove record from rtree */
CREATE TRIGGER rtree_<t>_<c>_update2 AFTER UPDATE OF <c> ON <t>
  WHEN OLD.<i> = NEW.<i> AND
       (NEW.<c> ISNULL OR ST_IsEmpty(NEW.<c>))
  DELETE FROM rtree_<t>_<c> WHERE id = OLD.<i>;

/* Conditions: Update of any column
               Row ID change
               Non-empty geometry
   Actions   : Remove record from rtree for old <i>
               Insert record into rtree for new <i> */
CREATE TRIGGER rtree_<t>_<c>_update3 AFTER UPDATE ON <t>
  WHEN OLD.<i> != NEW.<i> AND
       (NEW.<c> NOTNULL AND NOT ST_IsEmpty(NEW.<c>))
  DELETE FROM rtree_<t>_<c> WHERE id = OLD.<i>;
    ST_MinX(NEW.<c>), ST_MaxX(NEW.<c>),
    ST_MinY(NEW.<c>), ST_MaxY(NEW.<c>)

/* Conditions: Update of any column
               Row ID change
               Empty geometry
   Actions   : Remove record from rtree for old and new <i> */
CREATE TRIGGER rtree_<t>_<c>_update4 AFTER UPDATE ON <t>
  WHEN OLD.<i> != NEW.<i> AND
       (NEW.<c> ISNULL OR ST_IsEmpty(NEW.<c>))
  DELETE FROM rtree_<t>_<c> WHERE id IN (OLD.<i>, NEW.<i>);

/* Conditions: Row deleted
   Actions   : Remove record from rtree for old <i> */
CREATE TRIGGER rtree_<t>_<c>_delete AFTER DELETE ON <t>
  WHEN old.<c> NOT NULL
  DELETE FROM rtree_<t>_<c> WHERE id = OLD.<i>;

where <t> and <c> are replaced with the names of the feature table and geometry column being indexed and <i> is replaced with the name of the feature table integer primary key column.


GeoPackage Versions 1.2.0 and prior have an incorrect update3 trigger that will fail in certain circumstances. It is strongly recommended to update older GeoPackages with the correct trigger presented here. The GeoPackage Executable Test Suite has been updated to accept either version of the trigger in older versions and to mandate the corrected version in versions after 1.2.0.

GeoPackage SQLite Configuration

Definition of SQLite configuration settings

Setting compile or runtime Option Shall / Not (Value) Discussion




RTrees ares used for GeoPackage Spatial Indexes




RTrees with floating point values are used for GeoPackage spatial indexes

GeoPackage SQLite Extension

Definition of SQL functions

SQL Function Description Use

ST_IsEmpty(geom Geometry): integer

Returns 1 if geometry value is empty, 0 if not empty, NULL if geometry value is NULL

Test if a geometry value corresponds to the empty set

ST_MinX(geom Geometry): real

Returns the minimum X value of the bounding envelope of a geometry

Update the spatial index on a geometry column in a feature table

ST_MaxX(geom Geometry): real

Returns the maximum Y value of the bounding envelope of a geometry

Update the spatial index on a geometry column in a feature table

ST_MinY(geom Geometry): real

Returns the minimum X value of the bounding envelope of a geometry

Update the spatial index on a geometry column in a feature table

ST_MaxY(geom Geometry): real

Returns the maximum Y value of the bounding envelope of a geometry

Update the spatial index on a geometry column in a feature table

Requirement 78

The SQL functions on geometries in this SQLite Extension SHALL operate correctly on extended geometry types specified by [extension_geometry_encoding] and/or [extension_geometry_types] when those extensions are also implemented.


The minimum bounding indexes created within the RTree Extension for GeoPackage should reflect the appropriate bounding area for the indexed feature. However, due to varying precision implementations, it is not practical to assert this practice through a requirement or test. Clients should exercise care when using these indexes during queries because the SQLite RTree module might round bounding boxes slightly outward (up to 0.000012%). Queries using spatial indexes should contain slightly expanded bounding boxes to guard against this.

Abstract Test Suite

Extension Name

Test Case ID


Test Purpose

Verify that spatial index extensions are registered using the "gpkg_rtree_index" name in the gpkg_extensions table.

Test Method

  1. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM gpkg_extensions WHERE extension_name = 'gpkg_rtree_index';

  2. Extension not testable if count = 0


Annex F.3 Req 75

Test Type


Extensions Row

Test Case ID


Test Purpose

Verify that the "gpkg_rtree_index" extension name is used to register spatial index extensions.

Test Method

  1. SELECT table_name, column_name, scope FROM gpkg_extensions WHERE extension_name = 'gpkg_rtree_index'

    1. Not testable if result set is empty

    2. Fail if any column_name is NULL

    3. Fail if any scope is not 'write-only'

    4. Fail if any column_name is not a column in table_name

  2. Pass otherwise


Annex F.3 Req 76

Test Type



Test Case ID


Test Purpose

Verify the correct implementation of spatial indexes on feature table geometry columns.

Test Method

  1. SELECT table_name, column_name FROM gpkg_geometry_columns WHERE table_name IN (SELECT table_name FROM gpkg_extensions WHERE extension_name == 'gpkg_rtree_index')

  2. Not testable if result set is empty

  3. For each row table_name, column_name from step 1

    1. SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name = 'rtree_' || result_set_table_name || '_' || result_set_column_name

      1. Fail if returned sql != 'CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE "rtree_' || result_set_table_name || '_' || result_set_column_name ||'" USING rtree(id, minx, maxx, miny, maxy)'

    2. SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'trigger' AND name = 'rtree_' || result_set_table_name || '_' || result_set_column_name || '_insert'

      1. Fail if returned sql != result of populating insert triggers template using result_set_table_name for <t> and result_set_column_name for <c>

    3. SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'trigger' AND name LIKE 'rtree_' || result_set_table_name || '_' || result_set_column_name || '_update%' ORDER BY name ASC

      1. Fail if returned sql != result of populating 4 update triggers templates using result_set_table_name for <t> and result_set_column_name for <c>

    4. SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='trigger' AND name = 'rtree_' || result_set_table_name || '_' || result_set_column_name || '_delete'

      1. Fail if returned sql != result of populating delete trigger template using result_set_table_name for <t> and result_set_column_name for <c>

  4. Pass if no fails


Annex F.3 Req 77

Test Type


Test Case ID


Test Purpose

Verify the correct implementation of sql functions used in spatial indexes on feature table geometry columns.

Test Method

  1. Open Geometry Test Data Set GeoPackage with GeoPackage SQLite Extension

  2. For each Geometry Test Data Set <gtype_test> data table row for each geometry type in Annex G, for an assortment of srs_ids, for an assortment of coordinate values including empty geometries, without and with z and / or m values, in both big and little endian encodings:

    1. SELECT 'Fail' FROM <gtype_test> WHERE ST_IsEmpty(geom.) != empty

    2. SELECT 'Fail' FROM <gtype_test> WHERE ST_MinX(geom) != minx

    3. SELECT 'Fail' FROM <gtype_test> WHERE ST_MaxX(geom) != maxx

    4. SELECT 'Fail' FROM <gtype_test> WHERE ST_MinY(geom) != miny

    5. SELECT 'Fail' FROM <gtype_test> WHERE ST_MaxY(geom) != maxy

  3. Pass if no 'Fail' selected from step 2


Annex F.3 Req 78

Test Type
