This is a library for serialization & deserialization of data structures used in Cardano’s Haskell implementation of Shelley along with useful utility functions.
Rust is wonderfully portable! You can easily bind to the native Rust library from any common programming language (even C and WebAssembly)!
- NodeJS WASM package
- Browser (chrome/firefox) WASM package
- Browser (pure JS - no WASM) ASM.js package
Serialization/deserialization code is automatically generated from Cardano’s official specification, which guarantees it can easily stay up to date! We do this using an EMURGO-written tool called cddl-codegen which can be re-used for other tasks such as automatically generate a Rust library for Cardano metadata specifications!
It is also very easy to create scripts in Rust or WASM to share with stake pools, or even embed inside an online tool! No more crazy cardano-cli bash scripts!
Powerful and flexible enough to be used to power wallets and exchanges! (Yes, it’s used in production!)
This library generates both Typescript and Flow type definitions, so it’s often easiest to see what is possible by just looking at the types! You can find the Flow types here
You can also look in the example folder to see how to use this library from Typescript or just experiment with the library.
If you are looking for legacy bindings, you can find them at the following:
Here are the location of the original CDDL specifications:
If you need to install Rust, do the following:
curl -sSf | sh -s -- -y echo 'export PATH=$HOME/.cargo/bin/:$PATH' >> $BASH_ENV rustup install stable rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain stable curl -sSf | sh
To build this repository, do the following:
git submodule update --init --recursive nvm use npm install npm run rust:build-nodejs
npm run rust:test
To publish new versions to NPM (only needed if you are an admin of this project)
npm run js:publish-nodejs npm run js:publish-browser