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Releases: eclipse-lsp4j/lsp4j

LSP4J 0.9.0

29 Feb 16:59
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LSP4J 0.9.0 has now been released and been contributed to simrel, tagged and uploaded to maven central.

Changelog entry:

  • Implemented DAP version 1.36.0
  • Implemented DAP version 1.37.0 (except CancelRequest)
  • Implemented LSP version 3.15.0 (except Progress)
  • Improved compatibility with prior versions of vscode-languageclient (#407)

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • In DebugProtocol fields which were @NonNull Long are now int as they
    are required. This brings the DAP implementation in LSP4J in line with
    the LSP implementation under the same conditions.

  • In DebugProtocol fields which were @NonNull Boolean are now boolean
    as they are required. This brings the DAP implementation in LSP4J in
    line with the LSP implementation under the same conditions.

  • In DebugProtocol fields which used to be defined as Long are now Integer.
    This is due to changes in DAP 1.36 and clarification sought from

  • The DebugProtocol's EvaluateResponse's field memoryReference was previously incorrectly
    declared as Long, it is now correctly declared as String

  • CodeActionKindCapabilities.valueSet marked with @NonNull

  • Parameters for the following requests have been changed from TextDocumentPositionParams

    • textDocument/signatureHelp changed to SignatureHelpParams
    • textDocument/hover changed to HoverParams
    • textDocument/declaration changed to DeclarationParams
    • textDocument/definition changed to DefinitionParams
    • textDocument/typeDefinition changed to TypeDefinitionParams
    • textDocument/implementation changed to ImplementationParams
    • textDocument/documentHighlight changed to DocumentHighlightParams
    • textDocument/prepareRename changed to PrepareRenameParams
  • The LSP's Protocol Diagnostic field code was previouslyt incorrectly declared as String,
    it is now correctly declared as Either<String, Number>