Releases: ecphp/cas-bundle
Yesterday, the Symfony team merged our pull requests ( to get a Symfony recipes for the authentication bundles (namely ecphp/cas-bundle and ecphp/eu-login-bundle).
This is a very nice step forward because it reduce the installation steps from 3 to only 1 step. There is no need to manually copy over the configuration files, and there is no need to alter the bundle.php
config file neither. The documentation has also been updated everywhere to reflect those changes.
I also took the opportunity to follow the current Symfony trend (symfony/symfony#37186) when it comes to YAML/XML configuration files, they want to get rid of them and replace them with bare PHP config files, which is a very great idea.
I'm not a huge lover of those fancy formats (YAML/XML), despite the fact that they are easily readable and editable... that said, I can't wait for the moment when they will get rid of it as well!
This weekend, while migrating the YAML/XML files to PHP, in ecphp/eu-login-bundle I made a typo in a service name and this morning someone has submitted a bug report for it. It is already fixed, thanks to him, the typo was very important !
If something is failing, make sure to remove the old configuration file from your application. The old file is config/routes/cas.yaml