yii2-adldap-module is only a wrapper class. The examples below are all taken from the official documentation of the Adldap2 repository.
You can find the documentation here: https://github.com/Adldap2/Adldap2/tree/master/docs
$un = 'testuser';
There are three ways available to call Adldap2 function.
If you use more providers (multiple Active Directory connections)
you make one as default and you can call this one with Method1 or Method2
and the second one will be called with Method3.
// Method 1: uses the default provider given in the configuration above (array key defaultProvider)
$user = \Yii::$app->ad->search()->findBy('sAMAccountname', $un);
// Method 2: uses the default provider given in the configuration above (array key defaultProvider)
$user = \Yii::$app->ad->getDefaultProvider()->search()->findBy('sAMAccountname', $un);
// Method 3: get the provider by name (here name default is used).
$user = \Yii::$app->ad->getProvider('default')->search()->findBy('sAMAccountname', $un);
print_r($user); //print all informations retrieved from Active Directory
For almost all operations you need a provider. You can access the provider in the following ways.
$provider = \Yii::$app->ad->getDefaultProvider();
$search = $provider->search(); //start a search
$search = $search->select(['cn', 'samaccountname', 'telephone', 'mail']); //Only query this attributes
$search = $search->where('samaccountname', '=', 'matthias');
$result = $search->get();
echo '<pre>';
echo print_r($result,true);
echo '</pre>';
$result = \Yii::$app->ad->getDefaultProvider()->search()->select(['cn', 'samaccountname', 'telephone', 'mail'])->where('samaccountname', '=', 'matthias')->get();
echo '<pre>';
echo print_r($result,true);
echo '</pre>';
$result = \Yii::$app->ad->search()->select(['cn', 'samaccountname', 'telephone', 'mail'])->where('samaccountname', '=', 'matthias')->get();
echo '<pre>';
echo print_r($result,true);
echo '</pre>';
$un = 'testuser';
$pw = 'VeryStrongPw';
if(\Yii::$app->ad->auth()->attempt($un,$pw)) {
echo 'User successfully authenticated';
} else {
echo 'User or Password wrong';
Finding a specific record by a specific attribute. We're looking for a record with the 'samaccountname' of 'testuser'. This euqals to the username in Active Directory.
$un = 'testuser';
$user = \Yii::$app->ad->search()->findBy('sAMAccountname', $un);
//print all informations of the user object
echo '<pre>';
echo print_r($user,true);
echo '</pre>';
$un = 'testuser';
$user = \Yii::$app->ad->search()->where('sAMAccountName', '=', $un)->get();
//print all informations of the user object
echo '<pre>';
echo print_r($user,true);
echo '</pre>';
See sourcecode function getGroups() or inGroup().
$un = 'testuser';
$user = \Yii::$app->ad->search()->findBy('sAMAccountname', $un);
$gn = 'the-group-name';
foreach($user->getGroups() as $group)
if($gn == $group->getName()) {
echo 'TRUE';
$un = 'testuser';
$user = \Yii::$app->ad->search()->findBy('sAMAccountname', $un);
$gn = 'the-group-name';
if ($user->inGroup($gn)) {
echo 'User in Group ' . $gn;
} else {
echo 'User NOT in Group ' . $gn;
yii2-adldap-module is only a wrapper class. The examples above are all taken from the official documentation of the Adldap2 repository.
You can find the documentation here: https://github.com/Adldap2/Adldap2/tree/master/docs