This is a simple Python API that allows to interact with the Crowd REST API.
The API currently supports the following:
- Create users
- Create groups
- Add users to groups
- Manage users attributes
- Retrieve user details
- Retrieve user groups
Pull requests to add additional API features (as documented at are very welcome. I only implemented what I needed.
You can install the module using pip.
pip install crowd-api
from crowd import CrowdAPI
crowd = CrowdAPI(api_url = "https://<uri>/crowd/rest/usermanagement/latest", app_name = "crowd", app_password = "secure")
# If the password attribute is not specified, a random one will be generated and returned by create_user()
req = crowd.create_user(name = "foobar", first_name = "Foo", last_name = "Bar", display_name = "Foo Bar", email = "[email protected]")
if req['status']:
print "Created, password is " + req['password']
req = crowd.get_user(username = "foobar")
if req['status']:
print req['user']
req = crowd.set_user_attribute(username = "foobar", attribute_name = "custom", attribute_value = "great!")
if req['status']:
print "Attribute created"
req = crowd.create_group(name = "users", description = "All users")
if req['status']:
print "Group created"
req = crowd.add_user_to_group(username = "foorbar", groupname = "users")
if req['status']:
print "Added!"
req = crowd.get_user_groups(username = "foobar")
if req['status']:
print "Groups are " + req['groups']
req = crowd.get_group(name = "users")
if req['status']:
info = req["group"]
print info['description']
Under the examples directory, there's an example which implements bulk users creation.
Matteo Cerutti - [email protected]