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Invariant Collections

The repository invariant_collection provides the libraries invariant_iterable.dart, invariant_list.dart, invariant_set.dart, invariant_map.dart, and invariant_collection.dart (exporting all the others). Future versions of this repository may provide similar libraries for other kinds of collections from 'dart:core'.

invariant_list.dart provides an extension type IList<E> which is intended to be used as a replacement for types of the form List<E> (where List is the built-in class of that name). IList<E> is invariant in its type parameter, whereas List<E> uses dynamically checked covariance. An easy way to obtain an expression of type IList<T> from an expression e of type List<T> is to use e.iList.

All other kinds of collections in this package are similar. They use the same naming scheme and provide the same kind of typing and semantic properties.

Motivation: Type safety

The purpose of this package is to improve the static type safety of Dart programs when they are using collections (List, Map and so on). Without this package, Dart collection classes (and indeed all Dart classes) are covariant in their type parameters. For example List<int> is a subtype of List<num> because int is a subtype of num. This is very convenient, and it is both natural and safe to treat a List<int> as if it were a List<num> in many situations.

However, it isn't safe in all situations. In other words, dynamically checked covariance is not statically type safe: We can have a program with no compile-time errors which will incur a type error at run time. Example:

void main() {
  List<num> xs = <int>[1];
  xs.add(1.5); // No compile-time error, yet throws at run time.

This package provides several extension type declarations which may be used in order to adapt the static analysis of collection types such that they are invariant in their type parameters. With that treatment, the above kind of run-time error does not occur. This is because the step where covariance is introduced becomes a compile-time error, and we can't have run-time failures caused by dynamically checked covariance in a program execution where said covariance hasn't been introduced. Using this approach, the example above looks as follows:

import 'package:invariant_collection/invariant_list.dart';

void main() {
  IList<num> xs = <int>[1].iList; // Compile-time error.
  xs.add(1.5); // Irrelevant, `xs` is already an error.

The other side of the coin is that invariance is less flexible, which means that it is a non-trivial trade-off: Do you want to continue to use this collection in the covariant way which is convenient and natural, but which may give rise to run-time type errors? Or are you ready to take the more strict invariant route?

In general, collections should be typed invariantly when they are being mutated (in particular, when new elements are added), because methods like List.add and Map.addAll and operator []= are unsafe when covariance is present. Collections that are treated as read-only can be allowed to use covariance because that is generally safe.

The precise borderline between safe and unsafe relies on the detailed structure of the types in the member signatures, and on whether or not any covariant type variables occur in a non-covariant position, but this document is not the place to unfold all the details.

Preserving a property, not necessarily checking it at each step

Let's pretend that x should be an even number at all times. Here's a snippet of code where we can think about this claim and consider whether it's maintained or violated, and where.

class A {
  int next(int i) => i * 2; // Ensure evenness.

// This class could be declared in some other library,
// we may not know that it exists.
class B implements A {
  int next(int i) => 13; // Destroys evenness!

void main() {
  var x = 2; // True at first.
  A a = ...; // Some complex expression.
  x += 14; // Preserves evenness.
  x =; // OK?
  x -= 14; // Preserves evenness (if we still have it).
  if (!x.isEven) throw StateError("x is not even!");

Just like a proof by induction, we can check that the initial state (at the declaration and initialization of x) satisfies the requirement, and then check that every subsequent step preserves the requirement. An inspection of confirms that x remains even, which is also true for x += 14 and x -= 14.

Hence, a (superficial) static analysis seems to confirm that the evenness property is preserved all the way.

However, if the value of a is actually an instance of B then will return a value which isn't even, and then we may stay off track (such that the evenness requirement is violated) for any number of steps.

Finally, we can directly check at any particular point in time whether the evenness requirement is satisfied (isEven), and otherwise take some recovery or panic steps in response to that failure, e.g., throwing a state error.

The point is that we can ensure that a property holds if it holds "at the beginning", and each step that we may execute is guaranteed to preserve that property.

If some steps are not guaranteed to preserve the property then we can still ensure that the property holds by checking the property from scratch after each unsafe step. Assuming that isEven could be a really expensive computation, we'd very much like to perform these checks only when necessary; we might even tolerate that the property is violated for some limited number of steps (so we check after x -= 14 even though that's a safe step, because we must check at some point after x =

It is crucial that preservation of a property can be much cheaper than a from-scratch check at every step. In particular, x.isEven is a run-time computation, but with x += 14 it can be proven at compile time that it will preserve the evenness of x, and the cost associated with this knowledge is zero at run time.

The structure of the guarantees provided by invariant collection types like IList is very similar. It's all about proving at compile time that the invariance property is preserved, for all operations that are checked statically. Some steps are dynamic (e.g., type casts), and they must be followed up by a from-scratch check (isInvariant).

Here's how it plays out in practice. First consider the initial state. There's no way we can prevent at compile time that an expression with static type List<num> has run-time type List<int>, that's just a property of the Dart List class, and we can't change that. Also, it is not possible to detect this situation at compile time, due to the underlying undecidability.

This means that it is always possible to create an IList<num> whose actual type argument is not num but some subtype of num, even though the static types imply that no such covariance exists.

void main() {
  List<num> xs = <int>[1]; // We can't turn this into an error.
  var ys = IList<num>(xs); // Statically OK.
  print(ys.isInvariant); // 'false'!

It is possible to perform a from-scratch check by means of isInvariant. Another way to establish a safe initial state is to use any IList constructor that creates a new list, e.g., IList<num>.filled(10, 0.1).

Note that the IList constructor IList(_) will throw if assertions are enabled and the actual argument has a covariant type, because it asserts that the given list isInvariant.

Now let's assume that we have established the desired invariance property initially. Subsequent steps may then be statically known to preserve the property, or they might be unsafe, and we can deal with that just like 'evenness':

import 'package:invariant_collection/invariant_list.dart';

class A {
  IList<num> next(IList<num> xs) => xs.take(0).toList().iList;

class B implements A {
  IList<num> next(IList<num> xs) => (<int>[] as List<num>).iList;

void main() {
  var xs = <num>[1, 2, 3.5].iList; // Invariant at first.
  A a = ...; // Some complex expression.
  xs.add(14); // Same `xs`, preserves invariance.
  xs =; // OK?
  xs.remove(14); // Same `xs`, preserves invariance (if we have it).
  if (!xs.isInvariant) throw StateError("xs is not invariant!");

Again, if a is an instance of B then the invariance property is violated at xs =, and it takes a from-scratch check (isInvariant) to determine whether or not we still have it.

Well, the invariant is actually violated in the body of, because we're using iList on an object whose static type is List<num>, whereas the run-time type has the type argument int. So we're again checking a few steps after the problem actually arises, which is enough as long as we don't forget to perform the check entirely. Of course, is a bug, and it should be fixed.

The step where an IList<T> is assigned to a variable of type IList<T> or IIterable<T> is safe (it preserves the invariance). This includes the step where an IList<num> is returned from, and the value returned by in main is assigned to xs. However, this preserves the invariance, but doesn't check the invariance from scratch, and this means that we need to verify the invariance after the unsafe step in the body, which is the cast.

An important special case arises when the invariant is never in doubt: If the initial state is correct (say, a variable IList<T> x satisfies the invariance requirement), and no changes are made to the identity of the object (say, it's a final variable), then the invariance requirement is trivially guaranteed to hold at all times. Similarly if a variable is only assigned from sources that are known to satisfy the requirement. And so on.

The point is that preservation of invariance is ensured for most computational steps, at a zero cost at run time, but it is necessary to keep an eye on certain steps that are unsafe. The underlying assumption for invariant_collection is that this is a worthwhile improvement over the situation where every collection can be covariantly typed in all situations.


Note that IList<T> is a subtype of List<T> for all T. This means that a given library L can be modified to use IList<T> rather than List<T> as return types (especially, for lists that are subject to mutation). Internal computations (using local variables, private methods) can use IList<T> rather than List<T> everywhere (again, especially for lists that are mutated). In code that interacts with other libraries, an IList<T> can be passed when a List<S> is expected whenever T is a subtype of S. This could occur, say, because the callee hasn't been updated yet, or because they don't plan to mutate that list. Next, an IList<T> can of course also be passed to other libraries when an IList<T> is expected, which would be the case when multiple libraries have switched to use invariant_collection (and they are now helping each other to preserve the invariance property for lists that need it).

If a List<T> is available in L, and it should be passed as an actual argument to a method in some other library which is expecting an IList<T>, then we will get a compile-time error (List<T> is not assignable to IList<T>). This is a good kind of breakage because it most likely indicates that this other library intends to mutate the list, and hence they need to receive the list with a static type which is invariant. We may then check that the given list is indeed invariant, and give it the type IList<T>, and pass it—safely.