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Documentation for our NuGet Package "PTI.Microservices.Library"

Package to help developers create solutions faster, and enforcing Logging and Exception Handling, while still allowing the developers to have the control over the configuration. Designed to be consumed from microservices, so most items are async and do as little as possible, unless you configure it to do more, for example, in the case of Twitter Services, they support retry configuration, and have out of the box support for waiting for Twitter API Rate Limit, thanks for the great work done by Joe Mayo ( with his LinqToTwitter library.

How To Intall?

Install the desired packages prefixed with "PTI.Microservices.Library." starting with the version ""

How To Help

You can help improving the libraries by adding issues, feature requests and implementing functionality in each of the repositories here

How To Use The Package

  1. Set your RapidApiKey.
  2. Register Services (or manually create services instances)

About the Configuration Classes

The services configuration classes have an endpoint property, in the case of Azure services, those will usually be the Url for your created resource in Azure, or the base azure service api. In the case of the specialized services such as Customer Finder, Emotions Analyzer, Books Translation and similar, the property is prefilled with the Rapid API base service, if you use appSettings-based configuration the default value will be overwritten to respect developer-based configuration, this means you will need to set the correct service Url when using appSettings-based configuration.

Quick Samples

Setting your key

//The given key is for demo purposes and will stop working eventually. 
//To get your own key request it by writing to [email protected]
GlobalPackageConfiguration.RapidApiKey = "a3893edcbfmsh2efa1861dcc7a10p159864jsnf17e667d1bf7";

Register your services

services.AddTransient<ILogger, Logger<TwitterPossibleFakeAccount>>();

Sample 1 - Upload Images with tags to Azure Custom Vision

    public async Task<IActionResult> UploadImages([FromBody]UploadImagesModel model)
        Guid projectId = Guid.Parse(model.ProjectId);
        List<Uri> lstImages = model.Items.Where(p=>p.IsSelected==true).Select(p => new Uri(p.ImageUrl)).ToList();
        var uploadImagesResult = await AzureCustomVisionService.UploadImagesAsync(lstImages, projectId);
        List<string> tags = new List<string>() { model.Tag };
        foreach (var singleImage in uploadImagesResult)
                await this.AzureCustomVisionService.CreateImageTagsAsync(projectId,
                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.Logger.LogError(ex, ex.Message);
        return Ok();

Sample 2 - Detect Possible Twitter Fake Followers

await twitterFakeFollowersService.GetAllPossibleFakeFollowersForUsernameAsync(this.TwitterConfiguration.ScreenName,
            (possibleFakeUser) =>
               //Your custom logic to execute when a new possible twitter fake user has been detected
            }, cancellationToken: cancellationTokenSource.Token);

Sample 3 - Detect current weather and hear it on Default Speakers

AudibleWeatherService audibleWeatherService = new AudibleWeatherService(logger, azureMapsService, azureSpeechService);
await audibleWeatherService.SpeakCurrentWeatherAsync(geoCoordinates);

Sample 4 - Translate a DOCX file to anothere language

var result = await booksTranslationService.TranslateDocXFileFromUrlAsync(fileUrl, TranslationLanguage.English, TranslationLanguage.Spanish,
BookTranslationMode.KeepFormatting, emailAddress:"[email protected]");

Sample 5 - Get All Keywords Found in an Azure Media Services Video Indexer Account

var allKeywords = await azureVideoIndexerService.GetAllKeywordsAsync(onNewKeywordFound:(keyword)=> 
   //Your custom code to execute when a keyword has been processed.Added so that you do not have to wait for the whole process to finish

Sample 6 - Detects Sentiment and Personality information based on text in a spreadsheet

var result =
    await emotionsAnalyzerService.AnalyzeFileFromUrlAsync(fileUrl,
    model: new Microservices.Library.Models.EmotionsAnalyzer.AnalyzeFileModel()
        EmailForResults="[email protected]",
        AnalysisWorksheet = 
            new Microservices.Library.Models.EmotionsAnalyzer.AnalysisWorksheet()
            PlaceWorksheet=new Microservices.Library.Models.EmotionsAnalyzer.PlaceWorksheet()

Sample 7 - Detect the topics found in a specified Twitter Username

TwitterDataAnalysisService twitterDataAnalysisService = new TwitterDataAnalysisService(
logger, twitterService, azureTextAnalyticsService);
var twitterUserTopics = await twitterDataAnalysisService.GetTopicsForUserAsync("twitterusername");

More samples at

The following are sample applications of things you could do with the package

For inquiries, and business deals, you can write an email to [email protected]