Clone our demo code repo. The token will be provided by your instructor.
export GITHUB_TOKEN=<token>
cd /projects/ git clone https://eformat:${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/eformat/aiml-demos.git
Create an Internal project in Gitlab called aiml-demos and push the code.
cd /projects/aiml-demos git remote set-url origin https://${GITLAB_USER}:${GITLAB_PAT}@${GIT_SERVER}/${TEAM_NAME}/aiml-demos.git
Use the
from above when you are prompted for the password (this will be cached)cd /projects/aiml-demos git add . git commit -am "🐙 ADD - aiml-demos 🐙" git push -u origin --all
Login to daintree-dev project in OpenShift. Browse to the Jupyterhub route. Login as your USER_NAME using the OpenShift v4 button and FreeIPA identity provider. You will be prompted to allow OAuth permissions the first time you login.
echo -e https://$(oc get route jupyterhub --template='{{ .spec.host }}' -n ${PROJECT_NAME})
Select the Elyra Notebook Image - v0.1.5. Select the Default container size. Add the following Environment variables which you can get from the DevSpaces terminal.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(oc get secret s3-auth -n ${PROJECT_NAME} -o jsonpath='{.data.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}' | base64 -d) echo $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(oc get secret s3-auth -n ${PROJECT_NAME} -o jsonpath='{.data.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}' | base64 -d) echo $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
Click Start server button.
Once your notebook has opened, Click Terminal and clone the aiml-demos repo.
git clone https://${GITLAB_USER}:${GITLAB_PAT}@${GIT_SERVER}/${TEAM_NAME}/aiml-demos.git
Add the airflow-runner container image from the terminal.
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/jupyter/metadata/runtime-images/ cat << EOF > ~/.local/share/jupyter/metadata/runtime-images/airflow-runner.json { "display_name": "airflow-runner", "metadata": { "tags": [], "display_name": "airflow-runner", "image_name": "image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/<TEAM_NAME>-ci-cd/airflow-runner:2.5.1", "pull_policy": "Always" }, "schema_name": "runtime-image" } EOF
Once added, Select the Runtime Images navigation on the left side panel to view the added image.
Add the ariflow runtime configuration.
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/jupyter/metadata/runtimes cat << EOF > ~/.local/share/jupyter/metadata/runtimes/airflow.json { "display_name": "airflow", "metadata": { "tags": [], "display_name": "airflow", "user_namespace": "daintree-dev", "git_type": "GITLAB", "github_api_endpoint": "https://${GIT_SERVER}", "api_endpoint": "https://airflow-daintree-dev.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}", "github_repo": "rainforest/daintree-dev-dags", "github_branch": "main", "github_repo_token": "${GITLAB_PAT}", "cos_auth_type": "KUBERNETES_SECRET", "cos_endpoint": "http://minio.<TEAM_NAME>-ci-cd.svc.cluster.local:9000", "cos_bucket": "airflow-daintree-dev", "cos_secret": "s3-auth", "cos_username": "${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}", "cos_password": "${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}", "runtime_type": "APACHE_AIRFLOW" }, "schema_name": "airflow" } EOF
Once added, Select the Runtimes navigation on the left side panel to view the added runtime.