learn howto to recognize fraud detection from a synthetic dataset
We can use the instructions here in our environment - https://github.com/OpenShiftDemos/rhods-fraud-detection
cd /opt/app-root/src git clone https://github.com/OpenShiftDemos/rhods-fraud-detection.git
Use the Elyra TensorFlow Notebook Image
There are some minor changes required when running the first notebook - 01-eda.ipynb. 30 million synthetic transactions were generated using these notebooks - https://github.com/OpenShiftDemos/fraud-notebooks in parquet format. We need to upload this file into our s3.
Download data
wget https://github.com/eformat/fraud-notebooks/releases/download/0.0.1/fraud-cleaned-sample.parquet
Copy to s3
mc cp fraud-cleaned-sample.parquet dev/data
We have all the notebook imports for 01-eda.ipynb in the base image, apart from these, add them:
pip install pyarrow fastparquet
For completeness, use boto3 client in the notebook even though we already have the data!
import os #boto3.set_stream_logger(name='botocore') s3conn = boto3.Session(aws_access_key_id=f"{os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID']}", aws_secret_access_key=f"{os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']}") client = s3conn.client( "s3", endpoint_url="http://minio.rainforest-ci-cd.svc.cluster.local:9000", verify=False ) client.download_file('data', 'fraud-cleaned-sample.parquet', 'fraud-cleaned-sample.parquet')
When examining the data in 01-eda.ipynb, the Transaction amount distribution section, update the graph so that it works:
-alt.X("level_0", axis=alt.Axis(title='cumulative distribution'), scale=alt.Scale(type='linear')), +alt.X("level_1", axis=alt.Axis(title='cumulative distribution'), scale=alt.Scale(type='linear')),
The other top level Notebooks should execute OK without modification - 02-feature-engineering.ipynb, 03-model-logistic-regression.ipynb and 04-pipelines.ipynb
Next, when you get to the app part using Flask in app/0_start_here.ipynb, install these deps only, edit requirements.txt to contain:
$ cat requirements.txt Flask gunicorn pyarrow
And Copy the Pipeline Pickelized model we generated into the rhods-fraud-detection/app folder (there is a much older version already checked into the repo which we don't want to use.)
cp pipeline.pkl app/
You should have no version warning when importing the pipeline.pkl model.
The Flask app test in app/2_test_flask.ipynb should run OK.