- [
] - feat: renderString support opts (#30) (抹桥 <[email protected]>)
- [
] - chore: update travis (#28) (TZ | 天猪 <[email protected]>)
- feat: support ts filter (#27)
- fix: nunjucks version to ^3.1.2 (#26)
- fix: temporary hold nunjucks version to ~3.0.1 (#25)
- fix: ci crash when disable plugin (#24)
- chore: test 6.x (#23)
- docs: update README with async and custom tag (#22)
- [
] - fix: forbidden sandbox breakout by using constructor (#20) (TZ | 天猪 <[email protected]>)
- docs: improve code block in markdown (#19)
- fix: revert async filter support at #15 (#18)
- fix: async filter break helper (#16)
- feat: support async filter (#15)
- feat: [BREAKING_CHANGE] depend on egg-view (#11)
- test: add custom tag showcase (#10)
- feat: fix ci and adjust with new egg-bin test (#9)
- publish 1.0.0
- chore: code style (#8)
- chore: update deps and test on node v7 (#7)
- test: change chai.js to power-assert (#6)
- feat: use egg-security escape to override nunjucks buildin (#5)
- deps: update [email protected] for security (#4)
- feat: [BREAKING_CHANGE] app/views -> app/view (#3)
- feat: [BREAKING_CHANGE] config.view.dir support multiple with comma (#3)
- feat: [BREAKING_CHANGE] use loader.getLoadUnits from egg-core (#2)
- init project
- load
- egg-security
- view helper
- fill nunjucks build-in filters to helper
- diff with @ali/nunjucks
- dep on latest nunjucks version
- loadpath -> dir
- not listen watcher event
- load