Kafka Stop kafka and delete kafka data(cheat sheet) docker stop fast-data-dev-search docker rm fast-data-dev-search Elassandra Stop elassandra and delete elassandra data(cheat sheet) docker stop elassandra-search docker rm elassandra-search Get indices info curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v&pretty' Chains Run parity node sudo docker run -d -p 8545:8545 --name parity_eth \ -v ${REPLACE_IT_BY_HOST_FOLDER}:/cyberdata parity/parity:stable \ --db-path /cyberdata --jsonrpc-hosts all --jsonrpc-interface all --jsonrpc-threads 4 Run bitcoind node docker run -d -p 8332:8332 --name bitcoind --restart always \ -v ${REPLACE_IT_BY_HOST_FOLDER}:/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin ruimarinho/bitcoin-core:0.15.1 \ -server -rest -txindex -rpcpassword=cyber -rpcuser=cyber -rpcallowip=