The purpose of this check is to convert a Node with building tag into Building Footprint polygon (enclosed Way or Relation)
Wiki reference for building tag: Key:building Wiki reference for buildings:Buildings Wiki for mapping address as separate node:Mapping address
- Building Node id:7157248223.
- Building Node id:3483463310.
In Atlas, OSM elements are represented as Edges, Points, Lines, Nodes, Areas & Relations; in our case, we’re working with Point.
Our first goal is to validate the incoming Atlas Object.
- Must be a Point.
- Must have a building tag.
Our second goal is to search within 10 meters (default) radius for building Areas or Relations.
- Areas or Relations must have building tag.
- Building Node must not be fully geometrically enclosed in Areas or Relations
- Search Building Area/Relation distance. Default is 10 meters.
"": 10.0
- There is a filter in the configuration file that determines which
tag values the point should have to be considered for this check:
To learn more about the code, please look at the comments in the source code for the check: LoneBuildingNodeCheck