A three-js, real-time window into transactions from the last 20 blocks on Moonriver, hacked together in two days
To get this working, you will need a free api url/key from a Moonriver provider. I went with On Finality: https://app.onfinality.io. Create a "private" folder in the project's root directory, and put the api url/key in a .env file in this folder. E.g.: RPC_URL=[your api url/key]
This is a Meteor/React project, so once you're all set, run "meteor run" in your root directory.
A recent build of this project is hosted at https://moonriver-explorer.meteorapp.com. Depending on when you view it, the app may have to do a cold start (which takes 1-2 minutes), as the app is on a free hosting plan that shuts down when there are no client connections. Just leave the page open, and it will load, eventually.
This was my first time using three.js, and the following examples were immensely useful: https://docs.pmnd.rs/react-three-fiber/getting-started/examples.
Thanks is also due to Anastasia Goodwin for her "twinkling stars" codepen: https://codepen.io/agoodwin/pen/NMJoER.