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I3D Features for Action Segmentation

This repo contains code to extract I3D features with resnet50 backbone given a folder of videos and a folder of tracking files.


This is a version of this repository adapted for extracting frame-wise features and using tracking files.


For each of your videos, the following will happen.

  1. If you set the tracking_folder and tracking_suffix options, the corresponding tracking file will be opened. If the video is named some_video.mp4, the tracking file should be at tracking_folder/some_video{tracking_suffix}. For instance, if tracking_suffix=_detections.pickle, it would be tracking_folder/some_video_detections.pickle. The tracking file should be a pickled nested dictionary where first-level keys are individual ids, second-level keys are frame indices (without any frames missing between start and end!) and values are bounding box arrays in the [left, upper, right, lower] format.
  2. For each individual from the tracking file, the input video will be cropped in spatial and temporal dimensions and passed to a pre-trained model in 8-frame chunks with the frequency you set in the options (each chunk maps to one frame feature). If you don't provide tracking information, the video will not be cropped. Before the cropping, we will resize the video to (video_w, video_h) if you set those options (you need to set both).
  3. By default, the output will be saved at outputpath/some_video_i3d.npy as a dictionary where keys are individual ids ("" if there's no tracking) and values are numpy arrays of shape (N, 2048). If you use the --pad option and set frequency to 1, the N dimension will be the original number of frames. You can change the filename by setting the i3d_suffix parameter.



Run this in your terminal to install.

git clone
cd I3D_Feature_Extraction_resnet
conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate i3d
wget -P pretrained/
python -m utils.convert_weights pretrained/i3d_baseline_32x2_IN_pretrain_400k.pkl pretrained/i3d_r50_kinetics.pth


--datasetpath:          folder of input videos (contains videos or subdirectories of videos)
--outputpath:           folder of extracted features
--frequency:            number of frames between adjacent snippets
--batch_size:           batch size for snippets
--tracking_folder:      path to the folder containing tracking files
--tracking_suffix:      suffix of the tracking files
--min_frames:           tracklets shorter than this number of frames will be omitted
--pad:                  if true, the output features will be padded with the edge values to keep the length intact
--video_w:              video width (it will be resized to this value before cropping to the bounding boxes)
--video_h:              video height (it will be resized to this value before cropping to the bounding boxes)
--save_metadata:        if true, min and max frame dictionaries will also be saved
--i3d_suffix:           the suffix to add to the output files
--subtract_background:  if true, the median frame of the video is set to gray before the feature extraction


python --datasetpath=samplevideos/ --outputpath=output --pad --tracking_folder=tracking_folder --tracking_suffix=tracking_suffix