You can change the HOST to run emp
againts your local development server.
EMPIRICAL_HOST=http://localhost:5000 ./bin/cli.js run user/project/x/Xsrsr_8
The tests for the empirical client are run in conjuntion with the empirical server.
So you should have the Docker image for it empiricalci/empirical
docker pull empiricalci/test_standalone
docker run -d -P --name rethink1 rethinkdb
docker run -d -p 1337 --net host -e AWS_SECRET_KEY=$AWS_SECRET_KEY -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY --entrypoint=npm empiricalci/empirical run test-server
We use Standard for linting.
npm run lint
npm run test
npm run test-cli
npm run test-cov
- We need to serate server dependent tests so any contributor can run tests independently of the server.