Releases: engaging-computing/rSENSE
Releases · engaging-computing/rSENSE
With the first release of the summer, the iSENSE team brings new features, bug fixes, and UI tweaks.
Camera Icon on Map Vis:
- Data sets containing images now have camera icons on Map Visualizations instead of circles! This complements a previous feature that allows you to view any images a data set has by clicking on a data point on the map. Now when viewing multiple data sets at once it is easy to pick out which ones have images.
Search Data Sets on Project Page:
- Now you can search for data sets on a project page. This allows you to easily find the data sets that you want!
Zip File Support:
- You can now upload zip files that contain multiple data sets. This is a useful feature for users who have many files that they want to upload to a project. No more uploading them one at a time!
- REGRESSIONS: timeline and scatterplot now feature symbolic regressions, regression lines are no longer bounded by data, and saved vises are refactored to a new standardized format
- Complete vis tool style overhaul
- Embedded vis x-axis no longer gets cut off
- Disappearing tooltips are fixed
- Checkboxes on heat map no longer disappear after resizing radius
- Long data set names are no longer clipped
- Timeline no longer breaks when a vis is defaulted
- Multiple lines of regression enabled
- Edit fields table only submits on save and no longer uses AJAX
- Clicking an issue number of the testing form opens that link in a new tab
- Deleting a user actually does now — only projects owned by the deleted user that contain data sets from additional users are kept
- Data set controls (edit | delete) on projects#show page correctly aligned
- Long project names no longer overflow on the user page
- API styles and copyedits addressed
- iSENSE logo no longer collapses into iS when page is resized
- Project stock images removed and replaced with project title
- Brand spanking beautiful new footer
- Edit | Delete dataset controls consistent with Edit | Delete controls in media object
- Hitting enter on fields page saves form
- Fix manual testing page
- Remove ajax on news and tutorial pages
- Pictures associated with data now shown on map
- Added a “Get Latest” button to retrieve the latest data sets in a project
- Documentation has been overhauled
- Added an error message for duplicate key for project add_key
- Project fields are copied when a project is cloned
- File uploading regex extended to match different casing and gets the extension of the file after the last “.”
- modernizr console warning no longer showing up
- “Datasets” has been changed to “Data Sets” across the site
- Contributor key icon scaled correctly
- Margin added to contributor key submission form
- Delete button no longer overflows in media box
- Can click user’s name on project and vis blocks on both project and vis index pages, respectively
- Project and vis thumbnails on project and vis pages are consistent
- CSV templates default to number if data are nil, unless the header column contains the word “time,” "latitude," or "longitude" in which case timestamp, latitude, or longitude (respectively) will be the default for that column
UI Fixes
- Cursor pointer on hover over box headers
- Tabs reorder on user page - liked tab is last now
- Uploading CVS files for fields with only headers doesn’t fail
- Deleting an image from a data set redirects to data vis
- Can not longer enter a contributor key when logged in or on a project without fields
- Clicking on other parts of the page when editing a description warns you about leaving the page
- Units now shown
- Cell in first row/column opens automatically
- Added a button to open the datetimepicker instead of opening it when you select a timestamp cell
- Ten rows by default
- Holding down enter gives you more row
- Better title for manual entry page
- More popovers when users do invalid things
- Clicking add row with bad data doesn't nuke the bad data
- Fixed broken tests
- Added a gem that lets you screenshot the page during integration tests
- Minor stylistic code changes
- Fixed button colors
- Implements wrapping for left and right cell movement
- Units in the column headers
- Subsequent validation errors are placed correctly
- Text fields with restrictions no longer overflow if the column is too tiny
- Pie chart titles are no longer backwards
- Histogram as a stacked bar of individual points
- Unit information added to tooltips
- Error messages formatted consistently
- Removed console.logs and puts in code
- Removed bag AJAX on users show page
- Added captcha to win the robot war
- KML layer support
- Saved vis images on vis index page are clickable now
- Edit fields page got a facelift (field descriptions included)
- Can remove and add location/timestamp fields on edit fields page without refreshing it
- Fixed restrictions migration
- Photo layout reworked
- Added user info to data set toHash
- No longer pass ID twice in contrib key
UI Changes to API Docs:
- Mouse is a cursor when you hover over POST/GET
- Removed title from /api/v1/data_sets/append documentation
- Fixed typo in /api/v1/projects/XX/jsonDataUpload
Other UI fixes:
- Updated Jake’s info on contact page
- Improved message on empty liked projects pane on user’s page
- Google Doc modal improved
API Changes:
- Data_set visualizations can now be embedded
Bug Fixes:
- Select all no longer broken on table
- Table no longer has broken default image links
- Liked projects pane fixed for admins
- Change project title works in IE
- Linear, Quadratic, Cubic, Exponential, and Logarithmic regressions now work properly on both Timeline and Scatter
- Title sanitization improved
New features:
- Slickgrid
- Table y-axis has a check-all box
UI Tweaks:
- Contact page updated
- iSENSE pages have more meaningful titles
Bug fixes:
- Creating news articles/tutorials w/ out titles no longer results in 404
- Project description cloning reworked
- Pane for liked projects fixed
- Entering and exiting full screen no longer breaks vis tools
- Selecting or deselecting fields no longer removes filters in table vis
- Featured image on vis media header added back in, puts statements removed
- Can delete project w/ no titles
- Linear best fit line produces more efficient messages
API Changes:
- Function to add a key to a project
- Data is no longer lost when uploading through the api
- Bug reporting code refactored, test coverage increased